I dont know shit about the timing to the drip systems, Ive never used one of those (which is shocking...Ive used most all meduims @ least once but that one. damnit, now Ive got something else I need to experiment with!)
I think flushing right now would be okay since your not gonna leave her but a couple weeks more anyways. Here is another idea to consider as well though, why dont you just whack part of her now? then run the rest of her untill she looks actually done? That way some of her can be curing up and whatnot for you to smoke on, Youll have some finished as it should be, and youll have a bit of time to get your funds together to set up the new room with. It shouldent take more than 1 afternoon to get everything cleaned up and prepared for the next day I dont think (never did take me more than 1 anyways even with the actuall construction of grow rooms).
I really wish I had a car to come out that way, It would make setting it up lots easier for ya.
By the way, I tried germing 15 of these seeds and only 8 popped (which took 3 days for all 8 to open), then only 4 came up out of the soil.... I think they may have been too fresh (needed drying) and the guy didnt tell me that.

Yours should be better rates though because they have been drying for 2 weeks more than mine already.