Transplanted and went through some shock im sure. So I waited too long and those babies all mixed their roots together. Had to cut force them apart, moved them into bigger pots, not sure what size, think there gallon size. Should be enough for dirt weed.
So after i transplanted I watered and misted leaves. I also had them a bit away from light about 6 inches more than pic shows. But the worst is, after I transplanted them I had the light on for about 3 or 4 hours, but this hot girl Im talking to was over, and she wanted to watch a movie, and the closet these babies are in are where the screen for the projector comes down. So of course the plants lost that argument, I turned off lights, turned on projector and we chilled and fell asleep at around 3am and they didnt get lights on until 830 am. So they went like 10 hours with no light. I woke her up at 830am to tell her to go to work and turned them back on, then they went back to normal 18/6 schedule by lights turning off again at 12noon then back on at 6pm. Hope their ok, i just snapped these pics. at 6pm, they all look decent, One of them looks like its a real slow grower, Only has 2 real sets where rest have 3. I may kill it if it doesnt catch up over next week or two. No room for losers in this closet.
So im not helping these already likely male hermies from dirt weed by light shocking them, but im going to try and stay true to schedule from now on and if i get this fucking hydrohut already, then i can have my closet and projector wall back. Spent last 2 days cabinet hunting and roaming the depot and stapler and mart. Nothing seems like it compares for price and funtionality, and theres just no real real big store that has everything for me to build a sweet box. So im gonna do the $250.00 hydrohut for sure. And im still taking road trip 2k7 on the 4th and 5th to canada. So itll be BigBud and Blueberry most likely in 3 weeks. Cant wait. May kill the dirty weed, but well see, they are cute, even though there worthless.