First Closet Grow <:BlUeBeRrY:>


Well-Known Member
the fan has been in the same spot since week 3 on the same speed, what are the best signs of wind damage? also, its not oscillating, its just direct but on very low. I cut off most of the dead leaves on it and im still praying it comes through. Do you think its past the point of no return Natmoon?
I dunno mate.
Leaves look a bit like they have been burnt somehow though,either with light,heat,wind or nutes or all of the above.
I cant properly see the colour or shine of the leaf damage in the light of the pics to make a certain call on cause.

Sometimes if a plant is to near a fan its leaves can dry out to quickly,quicker than it can take up water from the soil especially in rooms where the fans are on 24/7.
I only leave my fans on when the lights are on.
Sorry cant be of more help hope for the best though and maybe she will pull through:peace::joint:


Active Member
don't be sorry at all, advice is advice in my books. I went ahead and ditched the sick one, weren't any really signs of improvement. I think mainly because the only way to revive that one would be to put it back on veg light cycle. I don't have the resources/space to do that : (

The last remaining plant out of the starting 12!!! She's doin good, has some yellow leaves since i've been watering on the light side due to the recent death. I just trimmed off most of the leaves,trying to keep it short and stout, and to make sure all heads get light. Let me know what yall think of this last baby. I switched my fan setting to just be on when the light is on. (Thanks Nat) Other than that just praying she's not a he....



Well-Known Member
Looks like the last plant may be the one that pays you off,hopefully that plant will start to produce some buds soon enough now.
Add some blue light if you can.
Best of luck with it man.:peace::joint:


Active Member
I just happened to be reading over my Flora nutes feeding program and on the bottle for blooming phase it says to use 143ml/100L FolraGro, 262ml/100L FloraMicro, 396ml/100L FloraBloom. I started feeding the nutes in veg. at 1/4 reccomended dosage and progressively moved up to full dosage. The plant is in a 3gal pot and I water it just as needed(when pot is light) and also right after the light cycle ends i spray the whole plant with sparkling italian water. When I do water, I usually add the nutes every time unless the plant seems to be struggling, I water a little bit over 110ml every time since more will kill it (like her sister RIP). Plant seems to be coming on strong, i will have updated pictures tonight after class.


Active Member
yes it was a lady, got home today and the plants dead, maybe if a miracle happens it will pull through because the tops havent fallen over yet but the leaves are reallllly bad. The plant was a brilliant green when i left just droopy leaves and i come home to THIS!****! wekk 3 1/2 of flowering and just really starting to show pistils : (