First closet grow unknown mid-grade bagseed



Yield: Im hoping for at least an ounce per plant, Quality:Im guessing should be very good becuase the seeds came from some of the best shwank I ever smoked
Nice. I'm a week into my first closet grow with 2 bagseed from really good swank as well. Wasn't sure what to expect out of the grow with only a few cfls and a few square feet of grow space


Well-Known Member
Hey I got some mid grade bag seed that looks just like your first attached pics.. The carpet strain.. I've been wondering wat kind of strain it really is?? Like wat is the real name bc it looks good like some killer ganja or something! Somebody pls help


Hey I got some mid grade bag seed that looks just like your first attached pics.. The carpet strain.. I've been wondering wat kind of strain it really is?? Like wat is the real name bc it looks good like some killer ganja or something! Somebody pls help

Its a noname strain just regular old midgrade bagseed,but it smells really kushy


Well-Known Member
So are you saying you're gonna put the original ones in flowering mode get the sex cut a couple females...Flower the clones and push the original plant the cuttings were taken from back into vegatative mode...Wouldn't that take longer!!!?


So are you saying you're gonna put the original ones in flowering mode get the sex cut a couple females...Flower the clones and push the original plant the cuttings were taken from back into vegatative mode...Wouldn't that take longer!!!?
no im gonna keep the mothers in veg at all times.Im just gonna take some clones and flower those.


New Member
you found those seeds on your CARPET??? wow thats sum good luck man i hope you get a good yield and sum tasty bud bruva!!

I had a mate who grew from bagseed and the weed he managed to grow was pretty potent and it was also a outdoor grow aswell... I guess some people are just lucky!!