first closet grow with UFO


Well-Known Member
Come on ALBERTO what are you talking about ? Get your stories straight.



Well-Known Member
Wouldn't happen to be from Miami would you ?



Well-Known Member
Thats sweet that you got your HPS. What about it do you have to wire, mine has a plug that goes into the ballast, and the ballast has a plug into the wall? So you are going to hang one or both now??? I wasn't sure from how you've been talking, last I "remember"( thats always getting harder lol) you wanted to see what just the LEDs would do. I'm all for hanging them now don't get me wrong, just curious what road you will travel. Are your HPS reflectors air cooled?


Well-Known Member
no the lights arent cooled so i need to get some fans to blow on them...i got the wiring understood all i need to do is go to home depot and get some tails and wire them to those..ill probably do one for now to see how they do

heres one of my plants...i think its sagging alittle too much any suggestions???



Well-Known Member
One will be a great start, and it will still be alot for them to adjust to. Fans are gonna be essential, watch your temps!!! But they are gonna love the light man!

As far as suggestions, I think I might have a great one. If they all are looking like that, you might consider scroging it. You can still suspend a trellis above all the plants, and use it to both support them, and get them to bulk up! Check this out.... He gets 10 oz from that one plant! I'm planning on doing either a stadium, or a scrog for my next grow.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats the only one that is hanging over like that...also it did suffer some pretty gnar wind damage about a week ago so i dont know if that has anything to do with it..i just watered today so it shouldnt be from lack of water either


Well-Known Member
When a the plants soak up a lot of water, they can tend to droop, that may be all it is, that one might have drank a lot.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, are the leaves up there getting heavy, the stems might be a it weak, you may have to support them, what do you think of the scrog idea, did you check out that thread?


Well-Known Member
yeah there pretty fresh stems and leaves so thats possibly it...i did check out that thread but i dont have fem seeds so still need to wait and see which are male/fem


Well-Known Member
True, I forgot about that, but now that you have this new light, might be a good time to find that out. You could take some clones, maybe 2 per plant. Then put them into 12/12 if you have any where you could do that. This would give you the sex of those plants you cloned. Then you can go from there!


Well-Known Member
this guy is just retarted...and the hps came today but wow are they way different then what i expected they are massive lights but i hope i can get the wiring right and have them up by the end of with wiring would help if anyone has info????for the blower idea it sounds good but i dont really need one for the UFO since its fan cooled from inside..with the HPS i hope to get some clip fans and blast those directly to keep away heat...and i was thinking would soda cans work to make a hood for the UFO..???

Yeah, cant deny that.

Alright, well just checkin if it was going down, itd be interesting to see how it would play out. but shit, you got a nice hps unit now, no woriess:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Is it gone and dead, one of mine split one time, and I tied the stem back together, and it healed its self!!


Well-Known Member
gone and dead..i stuck what was left in the soil but no success..i still need to get the wiring for the HPS so hopefully in the next few days i can update with the new light in