First closet grow!

so this is my first ever attempt at growing my own weed. to be honest, i just wanna do this so i dont have to pay for my ganja, its too damn expensive!!

my setup is a regular incandescent light bulb in a lamp and a LED light pointed directly towards it.

it is currently about 2 inches tall

unfortunately, i only have a cell phone camera but i will keep posting pics


Well-Known Member
That incandescent light wont do shit but produce a lot of heat, replace it with some cfls. Tell us about your LED setup.


yeah man that incandescent light wont a thing u should get a 250 w cfl to veg it and id suggest u get a 250 or 400 w hps for the flowering stage.. what type are u growing

Any posts made by me are purely fictional. I do not grow or condone the growing of anything illegal. Any and all pictures I post are pictures widely available on the internet and any statements by me are purely fictional and should not constitute advice or be considered advice to assist in activities that are deemed illegal.

well my led light is just this light that's supposed to be for a sidewalk or a walkway and i am planning to get some cfl's soon, im a broke bastard so i have to scrape some cash first. i dont know what wattage or whatever the led is but i have it as close to the plant as im able to get it and it's doing the trick and i also dont know if the incandescent is helping or not but my plant's growing pretty steadily, about 2 and a half inches in a week so i'm feelin pretty good now, i know im gonna need those cfl's real soon though.


Well-Known Member
they look really wet, careful not to overwater this early, itll stunt their growth something fierce as seedlings (personal experience)
I can appreciate what you are trying to do man but take a minute to read up a bit. You can get a 150HPS with bulb for about 100$, use a peat moss/vermiculite/perilite soil mix for 20$, and a simple 2 part fertilizer for another 20$ and you'll make big progress. I'm not saying you'll yield pounds but done right you can yield a couple ounces at a time with a simple setup. If you wanted you could skip the bag seed and skip to a feminized seed from many growers for another 30$. That's less than 200$ and you'll learn a lot and be happy with what you get. Continue with what you are doing and you'll still be buying your weed.

We all started with a seed and light but it's just a science project not a grow.
I can appreciate what you are trying to do man but take a minute to read up a bit. You can get a 150HPS with bulb for about 100$, use a peat moss/vermiculite/perilite soil mix for 20$, and a simple 2 part fertilizer for another 20$ and you'll make big progress. I'm not saying you'll yield pounds but done right you can yield a couple ounces at a time with a simple setup. If you wanted you could skip the bag seed and skip to a feminized seed from many growers for another 30$. That's less than 200$ and you'll learn a lot and be happy with what you get. Continue with what you are doing and you'll still be buying your weed.

We all started with a seed and light but it's just a science project not a grow.

No matter who you are you gotta start somewhere right?


Active Member
I'm really curious about that LED youre using, it looks like it's doing a decent job.
The only thing I have to say is either paint that bucket or get a new pot, roots don't like light at all.


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate what you are trying to do man but take a minute to read up a bit. You can get a 150HPS with bulb for about 100$, use a peat moss/vermiculite/perilite soil mix for 20$, and a simple 2 part fertilizer for another 20$ and you'll make big progress. I'm not saying you'll yield pounds but done right you can yield a couple ounces at a time with a simple setup. If you wanted you could skip the bag seed and skip to a feminized seed from many growers for another 30$. That's less than 200$ and you'll learn a lot and be happy with what you get. Continue with what you are doing and you'll still be buying your weed.

We all started with a seed and light but it's just a science project not a grow.
Thats a really good point, if your gonna break the law and take the risk then you might as well do it right. Go buy yourself some basic gear and you'll be having even more fun, trust me.


Active Member
Incandescent won't work. That's for sure. You can use some CFLs instead. they will take even less energy and the plant will like them more. If you will put even 150W HPS without cool tube it will make too much heat. The yield depends from two factors. One is your money another is your hands. If you are a handy man yo will build a nice closet for very little money. My closet doesn't overcome 150 EUR (everything including soil, seeds, nutes, lights, fans and materials ) I built closet for 20EUR, cool tube for 10EUR, bought bathroom fan for 10 EUR. Did all the wiring myself. And I will use this setup for many grows and it will cost me nothing then except seeds and nutes. SO think about spending your own time to increase your quality and you will be paid back generously. Even if you are not planing to make it as a business (like myself), you will be much happier with the result in the end.


Well-Known Member
your grass will not flower with that light my friend. u need better light or your plant will just end not gon say it!