First coco grow ready to go


Well-Known Member
My first grow was very successful. I grew 4 sour diesel in plain FFOF using H&G nutes and yielded a little over 2.5 pounds dry.

This next grow I am running a 16 site flo n grow. I will also have 11 girl scout cookies clones around the flo n grow. Needless to say, it will be a packed room. All I am waiting on at the moment is the chiller and getting the a/c installed, then the flo n grow will be started. As well as getting the walls painted:cool:

It will be a 2000 watt sealed room, the lights will be on light rails. CO2 is implemented in the room, and it will be cooled/dehumidified by a 2 ton mini split.

Mixed up my first batch of nutes. Ph is at 5.8. Ec seems a bit high using the house and garden recommended schedule. My ec is at 1.7. The ec in my tap water alone is .6. Can anyone chime in on this? This is my first time ever checking my ec. Last run I ran H&G at full strength and never experienced any burn, although I didnt start running it until flower.


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Well-Known Member
Gave the first batch of nutes this morning, they seem to be reacting nicely. The first 11 plants are being hand watered around the flow n grow, which will be up and running as soon as my chiller has arrived. I have a few questions about the flo n grow.

1) How high do I need to fill the res for a 16 site? I was thinking somewhere around 40 gallons. Res will be changed once per week.

2) Do I replace nutes when topping off, if so, how much?

3) How often and when would you flood?

4) What temperature should I set my chiller to? Thinking around 65.