First coco grow

As if!

Active Member
This plant does t seem healthy to me. I am using general hydro 3 pack +calmag. Yesterdays feeding ph in: 5.5 ph out: 6. Ppm in: 600 ppm out: 500.

From those water numbers looks like i need more nutrients. Am i correct on that? What ratios should i use?

Ive been following the general hydro schedule attached.

Id appreciate Any thoughts on what may be going on here amd actions to take?

How often are you feeding? And you might wanna get your ph up toward the 6.0 range. Anything between 5.8 and 6.2 will do.
IDK anything about CoCo grows, but this looks like a PH issue to me.

I quickly googled CoCo PH levels, and found this "Your goal is to keep the coco coir medium at a pH of 5.8 to 6.0 which is ideal for proper nitrogen absorption by marijuana plants in vegetation." (as already stated by Dontjudgeme)
How often are you feeding? And you might wanna get your ph up toward the 6.0 range. Anything between 5.8 and 6.2 will do.
Nutes every other day, water days in between. I read they need to be watered daily and dont let the coco dryout.

I just calibrated my meter 4 days ago. Its an apera 3 in 1(i think its a reliable meter?). Yesterdays runoff was 5.95. Does that chamge the thinking That this is a ph issue?
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Just start feeding it between 5.8-6.2. No need to make quick corrections. Coco coir buffers itself to some degree anyway. No need to measure runoff every feeding either. You'll hurt more making constant adjustments.

Oh and nutes every single watering in coco. Full stop
I have plants in coco and I water every day if not more I did the 'since the fine dust out' of the brick before I used it then soaked it for days in water with cal-mag. Wrung it out and started to use. Three strains are fine, one not, looks just like yours. Am not sure if I care for that strain so I did not bother to baby it. It is in flower just not producing although it is not in dirt either.
definitely underfed and pH probs... one day food one day just plain water does introduce much to many fluctations... I wonder why they advice such nonsense?
I would continue to dial in your pH with 5.8 being your sweet spot, +/- a couple tenths. You're short on Mg...Epsom salt is your cure. And if it were me, I'd scrap the nutrient line I was using once you've finished it. Any nutrient company telling you to grow in coco with a pH of 5.5 - 6.5 has no interest in your success.