First curled up older leaves, now new leaves turning light yellow


New Member
Need advice on what's happening here please, grow tent, platinum led 600, day 17, problem is a few days ago my seedlings with original leaves started to turn yellowish then second morning they turned brown and curled upwards, so I flushed out the water and repotted, this morning again the now new leaves which developed a day ago are showing signs yellowing. After reading any forums I provided a small dose of flora ova grow and raised led light source a bit. Problem still remains. Kindly advise. Thank you
its hungry man, feed that bitch some nutes... post a picture... 17 days in veg?? i assume youre talking about to two MAIN baby leafs that first show... those eventually turn yellow and fall off.... after those two leafs you get a set of fan leafs (3 fingers) those are your really leave... are those the ones turning yellow??? are you growing in soil? if so, what soil. what nutes? light schedule ? watering schedule? room temp (just curious) ? there could be many things causing this but we wont be able to tell you with the amount of info provided.
i would feed 1/4 nute and see where that takes you... sometimes the soil has nutes in it already. if youre not using soil like fox farm and other popular soils the ONLY soil i would suggest is home depots organic soil... comes in a green bag. no time release nutes in that just organic shit. with this soil you much feed once your first node shows (thats what i do). it also depends on your plant. she will tell you what she needs when she needs it. download this picture and print it out, itll help you a lot
Hi keno I thanks for the advice, i am using floranova grow atm last feeding was yesterday so feeding schedule is every 3 days or more depending on when top inch feels dry but atom it's pretty wet. the mix was 1.5oz. Used In a small pot the amount I made was 5ml/10L. Led light p600 at a height of 18inches ph is around 5.8 soil if FF ocean forest with miracle grow perlite room tem is min. 25c-max 30c RH 55-75%. Although the first ones have turned yellow I have noticed the newer once are starting to develope a bit of yellowing at the tips
i see... so you feed "nute water" every 3 days??? damn dude, you may want to slow that down. id say once a week. plain water every 3 days is find as long as the plant is asking for it. youre using the flora grow series so it should have anything the plant needs for its life cycle. post of picture of her to get a better idea of what youre seeing.
Hi kenobi thanks for the advice i tried posting unfortunately i am using my ipad and cannot attach it but i do appreciate your guidance thanks again