first day of bugs please help


so this morning when i watered my plants the water that drained out there were little bugs they looked like lice on top of the water moving around they looked just like lice and i can not see them on the top of the soil or on the plant i think they are in the dirt what should i do thanks


Well-Known Member
sounds like fungus gnat larvae. any permethrin or pyrethrum based chemical pesticide will work, mix 1/2 strength and drench the soil with it. You won't see any more of those little buggers after. Also. Make sure you aren't letting water sit around, and make sure there's plenty of airflow.


so this morning when i watered my plants the water that drained out there were little bugs they looked like lice on top of the water moving around they looked just like lice and i can not see them on the top of the soil or on the plant i think they are in the dirt what should i do thanks
i would change the soil, just to be safe:weed:


Well-Known Member
They came out with the water that drained out the bottom? If so, that sort of leads me to think that they are not fungus gnat larvae. I could be wrong, but I thought that their larvae lived in the top inch or so of soil. Also, their larvae are like little maggots (no legs). Did your bugs have legs? If so, they may be soil lice (pic below). They tend to live at the bottom of your soil. I've had soil lice - no problems with them. As far as I could find out, they don't hurt anything - they eat decaying matter in the soil; nothing living (like roots).
