First Day of Flowering


Well-Known Member
I threw my plants into 12/12 today and was wondering how long it will take for them to display their sex. Obviously I'll be checking every day, but I was wondering what it usually is for everyone else.



Well-Known Member
i heard it takes about 2 weeks but mine right now showed it on the 2nd day. so i guess it depends on strain


Well-Known Member
Make sure you have complete darkness..during lights out. I suggest going inside you room or closet and turning the lights off. You will want to light proof all streams of light.
Mine showed in 7 days. for this current grow.


Well-Known Member
Yup, it's completely dark in there. I even arranged it so that the dark hours occur while I'm asleep and the light hours occur when I am most likely to need to go into my closet.


Active Member
It was my first grow this time around aswell so I can understand your impatience. I was like a child checking the thing but what I found was that leaving it on it's cycle without interuption was both good for the plant and a pleasant surprise when i checked it! Mine took 7 days to show first signs and after 10 days I was sure......It's a girl!!!!!