Hilldawgs could walk out on stage, squat down and take a massive turd then leave and she'd STILL get the nomination.
Oh yeah.Would you do her after she did the atomic squat on stage?
Hilldawgs could walk out on stage, squat down and take a massive turd then leave and she'd STILL get the nomination.
Hey! Please make at least some small reference to Wendy's when employing scatological humor. Thank you.
Can you guys pretend it was a Burger King or something?
I like Wendy's.
Clinton just ripped on SandersAnything interesting?
Clinton just ripped on Sanders
Sanders and others brought up CLintons Vote on Iraq
Bernie doesn't seem to hate the second ammendment as much as the other candidates.Lame sauce. Has Sanders mentioned corporate cash in politics? LOL
You seem like a reasonable guy.