First DIY Aeroponics System, Need Help! (Pics Included)

Jet Li

Active Member
Hey guys i recently just started my first grow in a DIY aeroponics system. We are using a 11 quart minnow bucket, 110 AirBubbles aerator with 1" airstone, and net pots with hydroton growing medium. We started the grow off in soil but decided to give it a shot with the modified hydro about a week after sprout. The little guy seemed to take the transplant well as it grew a new set of leaves over the next week, but im starting to run into problems. I think my water level might be to high and one of the leaves is starting to yellow. Unfortunatley i dont have a ppm/EC meter to make use of, just a PH test kit, so i cant tell if the problem is stemming from over/under nuting. Right now im following the foxfarm hydro schedule (weeks 1-2) and am changing the water every three days. Any better suggestions in terms of a nute schedule with fox farm products? I keep the ph at an acceptable range during that time so it shouldnt be comming from that. Here are some pics of the yellowing leaves. I also top feed it 3x a day with the reservoir water.

I also think my water level might be to high but im not sure. Right now its about one inch below the net pot, but every time i lift it out, it seems to drip for a considerable amount of time. Would a high water level cause stunted root growth? Right now the plant is about as tall as the pot, and usually the roots should be longer shouldn't they? Any input is appreciated



Well-Known Member
keep the h20 touching the net pots til visable roots are hanging out of the pot and touching the water, then u can let the plant use the h20 or just take a little out so the level is just like an inch below the net pots so just the roots are hanging in the water. this should solve alot of problems w new seedlings. hope tis helps. oh and make sure you have ur ph correct somewhere in the 5.8-6.2 range for hydro and keep the nutes low till they have a nice root system and and they are a little bigger. hope this helps!