
Well-Known Member
Been wanting to go RDWC for a while now, always just got lazy or was not willing to pay the ridiculous price for a plug-and-play system, so about three weeks ago I decided it was time so started sourcing all the required components for my build.

Here are a few pics from my build.

Then the control manifold evolved into
Then the final one looks like


The pump has feed lines where the chiller will be plumbed in, I initially PVC welded the route on the wrong pipe so will need to replace that at some point. There was a leak here and there that needed resolving. But considering the number of connections used it could have been far worse.

Each bucket is around 20L, a ball valve controls the levels of the buckets and flow rate, I am doing a push vs pull with an 8000L/hr pump. I have 50mm air stones in each bucket, connected to an AC-300 air compressor.

A bit of fine tuning and waiting for clones to root before I'll get anything going in there.

The area will be deep cleaned before the clones go in.
Do you run your solution level high for fresh clones? I can get droopy plants when I first put them in if I don’t keep the level up past the bottom of the pot.
Nice set up. I've been using jb water weld on my fittings. I have a small set up so it works for me. Probably to much work to do it on your set up but it gives me piece of mind as far as leaks go. Stuff dries rock hard and never leaks.
Nice set up. I've been using jb water weld on my fittings. I have a small set up so it works for me. Probably to much work to do it on your set up but it gives me piece of mind as far as leaks go. Stuff dries rock hard and never leaks.
I solved my leaks :),I forgot to use Teflon tape on the joints and the other wasn't even screwed in :D, the other annoying minor leaks I just used some marine silicone, so can tear it off if need be.
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Could you explain the blue lines please? I don't fully get it.
I have 8 gallon pots, I want to do DIY RDWC.