First DWC Reccomendation


Well-Known Member
So i am about to start down the path of dwc, and i am going to use a 4x4 space per setup, and was thinking either running 4 plants one in each 5 gal bucket dwc, or doing a 2 plants in 2 separate 12gal tote or 1 plant in a 27gal tote, i guess my question is, how big of a container to plant size, and with a larger container does that mean changing the water out less often. Any help would be awesome thank you!
Unless you are experienced I would change your water each week.
My advice is to set up something simple that works, maybe just a couple 5 gal buckets. That way if you run into trouble you are not in over your head.
I have had 2 plants growing in basically 5 gallon buckets fill up my 5x5.
I would say to be safe you want around 3-5 gal per plant.
More plants the less veg time you need. If you can have 4 I would do 4. If you are starting from seed depending on your lighting and how ideal you can keep the environment with minimal mistakes veg should be 4-6weeks. If you do one plant you would likely need to scrog in order to fill the space and veg for one plant could easily be 2 months+. Just my opinion