first dwc. science cabinet 2 gdp clones/ 4 gdp seeds/10 short ryders


Sup everyone. Thanks bubble heads for the inspiration. So I decided to go big or go home! This is what I got so far. After buying a wack ass gay store bought pre-built small ass dwc from eBay for my. First clones now transfered to this project . I snaped that Shit in half n built me my own. Plain dwc that hold 81 liters . And 15 net pots.

So this is what first went down .

Tent for garments at super store15 bucks ..
Led light 20 watts 39.bucks
Cfl from walmeezy 10 bucks
Dwc 6 net pod item description said large full size grow.
What came in was a novelty 6 net one gallon tub. Wtf for 39.99
2x pc fans from old pc .

I just wasn't feeling it so I scrapped the project after 1 day. I just didn't feel the flimsy structure and the cheap l.e.d just wasn't gonna cut it. Expecially with ten short ryders coming in any momment .

Same night did a Lil price shopping .

Went to a few appliance big stores in the couple of days gathered up the list and lucky me I live a few blockes from a good hydro supply store.

This is what came up
Science cabinet : free Craigslist
150 watt enclosed hps: 70 growers choice
4 half as clones two rooted : free from the six in the tent.
4 gdp seeds : free actually five left one in the cup n my fucking wife did dishes, oh well .
10 short rider seeds : 38 or something nirvana.
81 liter tub : 15 wallmeezy
Two pumps n stones a set came from the p.o.s. I bought the 2nd set 10.bucks wallmeezy
Net pots 16 : 50 cents each 6 came from the tent dwc bin .
Hydrotone 3 inch rockwoll : 10 bucks
Floratec nutes : 37 delivered .
Shower bar for curtains to use as adjustable light rack . 5 bucks .
2 small pc fans from tent .
1 decent strong fan found in closet .
1 box of old premium photo paper for reflective .
Ph. Test kit 7 bucks.
Water temp.1.75

Shit I still need .
No Ph down.
No Ph digital meter
One more 150 watt hps
Scrog net .
Water heater

As for the cabinet I think its about 3 feet deep 4 feet high and with is big , super simulular to the one in a high school science class came with divided for shelving . I had the small pre bought dwc n there till the short riders came . I gave it a good chop suey n broke off clean. Some elmers glue for generic reflective wall paper to maxamize the small 150 watt . Razor bladed a few squares for exhaust the backing of the cab's cardboard. One more small one for the multi adapter. Wood screws for fan . Shower curtain bar is a. Smart movei think . Alllows me to move the light by sliding and moving up n down. Besides that it was simple. Elbow grease . Some hammering some criticle thinking n youtube'n ., n Google . Done In no time. The underbed tote was. A hitch to make holes I used a dremil DON'T plastic melts makes a mess. If ur using a razor blade make sure it Sharp. Hence the. Duck tape on my cover . Duck tape also helps ur res from flex from the water.

After filling the tube with tap water it tested 7.0 I only used quarter of the sol7tion suggested . So 81.. let's just say 80 liters equal 20 gallons divided. By 4 . My nutes go by the gallon for dosage . Slapped the temp meter in . It red 60 f . Added the two air stones that I had let soaked in 5.0 Ph water . ( lemon seems to lower Ph) . Need info on that .

So I had gotten six gdp clones 3 survived after the first grow bs. I got 2 rooted only in the cube haven't broke threw yet. Took a carefully peak . It's a head full. 3rd one I re cloned neglected it in a soil cup . Brought her in . Washed her of. Made the. Proper angled cuts (45 degrees ) bottom two lower leaves cut for foilage feed . Scrapped outer tissue off and two small angled cuts on thestem n dipped in some clone gel, slapped it into Ph's rockwoll . Did I mention the solution I added to soaking. The rockwoll is thrive alive. Part b . And root nutes . Then bagged her in zip to keep mositure n threw her in the box. Once agian if I did something wrong or perhaps missed a step please kick me down knowledge. I know my grammar and spelling sucks.

The 4 gdp seeds all sprouted now about let's see ....10 days from germ. two looking strong 3rd ones a runt but a single root has found water already.I might not have germenated them deep enough since. The runt has the shell still . I Remember roseman say something about root first if closer to bottom n bloom first if closer to top in the rockwoll . Maybe that's why.

Short ryders seem to be on the rise since its been. 3 days for them 4 out of ten busted through . Took a sneak peak on the otheres and they'll be up soon . . I'm pick up another light tommorow . Noticed the slant in some st3ms leaning towards light .

So far everything looks good. To my newb eye . Oh yea my nutes are at a quarter strength veg . That techna flora recipe stuff .

Water is touching the bottom of the net pots . Barely.

Water temp is 65 room is 84 f ( got vineger dropping inn to baking sodas for c02 . Humidity is at 64 percent high . Ph I have no clue at this point . Need that dam digital . . Need to get on that soon .

Also the two air pumps make a huge diff.

Some photos :

Gdp clone I snapped a branch of accidently moving a cord n Shit. But she's. Dev3loped a root system , a strong one will she recover? B4 the others go to secong stage of nutes ?

Here's the grow box set up.

150 watt hps . If it wasn't for the space I would've got a 400 watt oh and the temp meter


The low ryder first to pop up and the stretchy 2



More pics later phones gonna die

Thanks for. Looking hope I'm serving my point posting . Please reply with any info or thoughts . All comments negative or positive I'm sure I can benifit from.
nice lil setup!

but ill tell u right now, that 150 is gunna have trouble flowering ALL those plants legitly. i would HIGHLY recommended at least 1 more of the 150 if not u need to consider some CFL's or side lighting of some sort tho.

ur on the right track tho thats fer DAMN sure!:clap:

lemme know if u need any help tho.

Yes, thanks to this forum and my past interest in stealth pc grows. Built one never found seeds , lost the pc during a move recently . Found the cabinet free so I put it to use Foreal this time around .
So phones back on go . Here's the update with picks n all the goods. Hope more growth n. The amount of c02 is gonna give me a better chance at getting f.n brizzles . Yo depending on the ratio of boy n girl u think I should give up one short ryder for her seeds?


Oh yea one more s/r busted through . Chyea ! Also plugged the cfl in for better pic.


The gdp first to pop has two. New leaves ..

The temp is ..


Water temp n level is high .. since barely rooting actually just one from 3 gdp seed to open .


Fn water temp fell in Fuck it ill swim for it tommor9w when I switch the water n give t some vitamins .

That's it 3 s/r to breach the top. N 1 gdp to lose the sh3ll n I'm in bidness . Pumped bout this Shit .
So Shit.. its freaking 5:am disturbed by the ol needy lady who insist that I walk her down to her car for work after 5 years . Fuck my life. Then says some dumb shit, " u spend more time with the girls then with me." Shit, I'm thinking to myself.. " them better be bitches by the 14 th day. "

Any who. Before creeping back to bed I couldnt help but to see how my shorties n grandaddies were doing since temps dropped over ten degrees in the bedroom. So Fuck me the next s/r to sprout had came up leaving its leaves behind . Like the bitch broke her. Neck . Wtf .. she probly won't recover before the auto genetic kicks in . . Shit ! I'm not messing with any seeds that are called short nothing. Compared to the gdp . Gdp looks more solid . Faster growth . Bigger leaves from youth, unlike weak ass short ryder. How the hell ur leaves break off while sprouting ..

So what's up you guys do I leave this autoflowering short ryder to fix its self and help it with some dilluted thrive alive organic and some root 66 n spray her back to life if its a her. Or dump her ass in soil throw her out in the back and open her spot to a. Fresh gdp clone . ?

I will add pix. Of the injured later . Catch a Lil. Zzz. Go grab some supply for the box n will add pix of some cheap effective mods to help insulate and block light from seeping out of the cracks and hinges of the grow cab. Of course (reminder to self) another light ...

As for all the others they are getting there. still 3 more s.r. to go. Got 1 gdp runt like a retarded child with a helmet on duh head ..

Stay tuned ........ peace .
nice lil setup!

but ill tell u right now, that 150 is gunna have trouble flowering ALL those plants legitly. i would HIGHLY recommended at least 1 more of the 150 if not u need to consider some CFL's or side lighting of some sort tho.

ur on the right track tho thats fer DAMN sure!:clap:

lemme know if u need any help tho.

No doubt, good lookin out bro. Shit . Link me to a DIY drip dwc bubble add on . The original dwc setup . Want my. Plants to feel like they in the hottub w/bubbly while. Going wild at a wet shirt contest . Ya digs my nigs. Lmao.
S/r that lost leaves during sprout , you can see the othe piece .

The runt that's behind from the gdp seed group compare .

The other gdp seeds germed at the same time . Light hps turned off for pic shots ...

2 other gdp seed.. looking fly ..


The short ridas.





That's it . Some stretchy but the second light n a bun'h of hydrotone to stretngthn the base later should keep em up right peoples? Can't lower light since my apartment is leased - n - highly flammable . Lol ..