first ebb&flow[rockwool] 12/12 today


Well-Known Member
tomorrow is one month since starting this grow the results so far has met & exceeded my expectations i didnt think i would like rockwool but i was wrong the stuff is low maintenance been flooding once a week but after laying down the matting i think i could flood every 8-10 days as it stays wet a long time my roots have grown well into the matts & plants average 20-24 in. tall have had to raise light 3 times in 5 days .


Well-Known Member
no i havent had to add cal-mag plants havent showed any defiencies im using tap-water which in my area is pretty decent with ppm. 70-85 & ph. averages 7.0-7.5 i always mix nutes ,let aeriate& then check ph. more often than not it comes out good-to-go 5.9-6.3 or so . sometimes i have to add a little ph down i have some cal-mag i borrowed but havent had to use it i have pictures in this section on another post im pretty happy with my grow