'Old air' does not exist in reality.
We sometimes talk about 'old air' in a room, where we ask people to open the window to get in some fresh air.
But that has nothing to do with lack of oxygen. It has to do with the fact that the amount of CO2 gets above a certain point.
It makes us feel not well, tired.
Using up all the oxygen could only happen in a 100% sealed box or something like that.
In hydroton however there are gaps where air can slip through. So fresh O2 will always slip through the gaps once the roots absorbed it.
So the air can not get old > The O2 can not get used up. It is a physical impossibility.
It is like 'communicating vessels'. Gasses will get evened out. (perhaps I am using the wrong words)
Imagine having two sealed rooms and in room A a candle will use up some O2.
The moment there is a small opening between room A and room B O2 will stream from room B to room A to even out the amount of O2.
The moment you open a window in either of these rooms, the amount of O2 will be at the same level in room A and B and outdoors.
The same with hydroton: The amount of O2 will be the same in between the pebbles and outside of the netpot.
O2 that is absorbed by the roots, will be filled up by new O2 in a second.
Of course in extreme circumstances, O2 can not move fast enough. But then we are talking about the the bombing of Dresden or something like that.
But we are talking about roots that use about 200 mg of O2 per kilo of roots per hour.
A cubic meter of air holds about 1,400,000 mg of O2.
I am saying nowhere that hydroton doesn't need to be flooded often (or less often)
Getting in water+nutrients is a very good reason to flood. In my opinion more times flooding is also better. (based on some tests that I saw, and my thought that in that way the roots have more opportunities to 'drink'.)
So for reasons of getting in water+nutrients.
Not fresh air/O2. For that reason it is useless.