First Ebb & Grow system, seeking knowledge

How often do does the rez have to be emptied out and new solution put in? and what about nutes after this is done? same concentration as indicated at whatever particular stage of growth on the feed chart?


I use stg inserts and the loose fill around 4x4 rockwool cubes and I have no complaints at all.

have any of you saying they dont work ever even used them ? if so please let me know
what the problems you were having so I can try and avoud some of the same things.

I am tw0 weeks from cureing and it was so easy to deal with. no washing heavy dirtyballs
and as for the bottom inch or so of water it seems to be a life saver if your pump ever fails
to work or in my case I had a tube that fed 3 plants kink, not letting any new water on them
for a couple of weeks and becouse of the water at the bottom they looked just like all my
other plants for the most part. I just put a air stone in my res and a nice pump pushing around
water and constantly mixxing my nutes.

plus dont reuse any grow medium ever. it will only cause problems not worth having
try stg on half your grow and compare the final product. then you will know fore sure
what you like better for your system

hope this helps