First Ever for GardensGrow


Well-Known Member
Yea it's supposed to take the nutes from the piles on the sides. I really think this Earthbox is meant to be outside. I don't think I can make a transfer now into a pot so I think I may start just feeding the plant from the top and quit putting water into the reservoir. I don't know.... Either way I'll get it some nitrogen. Thanks ceestyle.

The light is 400W MH that was about 5" from the closest leaf. Now it's about 9" from the closest leaf. Too far/close?


Well-Known Member
Okay so I went ahead and fed the plants some fish emulsion (it stinks but it had to be done). Then I went ahead and spread the slow release fertilizer into the top 1" or so of soil instead of having it piled on the sides. Lastly I gave it a foliar spray from the small sample bottle that HTG sent me with the original light fixture. Hopefully the initial blast of foliar feed and fish emulsion will get her back on her feet and then the slow release nutes can take over from there.


Well-Known Member
woah there tiger. first thing: don't make so many changes at once, especially with nutrients. It's just too easy to nuke her, and you won't know which did it. If you add water with the emulsion, it will release some of the time-release nutrients as well. You need to be fucking careful with that shit ...

Personally, I would probably pull up the time-release ferts just to ensure that you don't burn them with all the nitrogen you just applied. Then, you can either slowly add them or get a liquid-based fert.

I think the earthbox seems like a fine idea. It's closer to how nature does it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too worried about it because I went pretty light on the ratios. Plus the slow release organic fertilizer, even with it being moistened, really does take a while to break down.

I guess we'll see what happens. It's been 3 years or so since I've smoked so what's another couple months? :mrgreen:


Active Member
Looks like you have had some good growth. Yes, the light green of the leaves indicates that they need some nitrogen. I think all the things you are trying are good as long as you start adding very slowly to see how they react first.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
They are nice and bushy, but like the others say too much of a good thing can be bad. Especialy with time release nutes.

:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
Michelle seems to be responding well to the dosage so far. The new foliage is looking especially green (burnt tips are from before nutes).

Here is an overall picture too:

On a side note I just watched "Super High Me" and I recommend it to everyone. It's pretty light hearted but it still throws in enough to educate. I'm not going to lie though that I almost cried in the scene where the DEA was raiding all the dispensaries. It's some seriously messed up stuff where the feds can ignore the Constitution, namely the 10th Amendment, and no one really does anything about it.

A day will come when the people will rise up against prohibition. And it won't be pretty.


Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
A day will come when the people will rise up against prohibition. And it won't be pretty.


AMEN BROTHER! Looking good GG!

:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Rope! I'll read your journal sometime this week when I get a few spare minutes

A quick update. You can see a couple posts above that the middle of the plant started to grow up towards the light so I pulled those down too in order to keep everything receiving equal amounts of light. The nutes seem to being doing wonders for her.

The top node doesn't grow out as fast as I thought it would (might has to do with it's distance to the light). I may not bring the plant all the way back around. It may suffice to let it grow to the end of the box and then start the 12/12. Here is a picture of it anyway; just LST'd it back down.



Well-Known Member
Another quick update. I ran a test on my pH and nute levels. It seems like my pH is spot on (green), my nitrogen is ridiculously low (red), my phosphorous (blue) is medium to medium-high, and my potassium (yellow) is also medium to medium-high. This makes sense as the plant shouldn't be using a ton of the P's during it's veg stage. The means that I'll probably give the plant another dose of fish emulsion in a couple of days and retest.


Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
High GG hows it going today? Never saw a test kit like that where did you get it? And are you cheacking ph and nutrient levels on water you have added nutes to, or ar you hydro? and cheacking your resivour?

:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
It's going well Rope. I got the test kit at Lowes for like $12. It checks the pH and nutrients of the soil. You just take a few spoon-fulls of soil from different locations and let them dry overnight. Then follow the instructions!


Well-Known Member
Well it's day 47 and Michelle is starting to strut her stuff. You can see in the picture that she's getting very dense. I suspect by day 60 I'll be switching to 12/12.



Well-Known Member
Tying her down? I've been LST'ing the plant as best I can. It's been a little difficult since I started when she was already 6" tall or so. What do you suggest I do?


Well-Known Member
Awesome news Hawk. You've got 3 plants to take from correct? How much are you expecting approximately?
Yeah, three plants. I'm staggering the harvest. So far I've harvested 276g wet. If I figure an 80% loss in drying, that'd be about 55g (~2 oz) of bud. But at least half of it is yet to be chopped. So I'm thinking 5 oz might be possible by the time it's all said and done. I think I'll hit 4 easy and that's not even trying to count what I've smoked off the plants in the last month or so. We'll see, I guess. When I started all this, my goal was ONE oz. So I'm happy.

The second pic is the lions share of what I've harvested so far. The first pic is one of the larger colas. As pictured (0% dry), that cola weighs 50g. Now, 20 hours of hanging later, it's lost 25% of it's weight to ~38g.

