First Ever for GardensGrow


Well-Known Member
I hit Michelle with another dose of fish emulsion two days ago since my nitrogen levels were low and the plant was showing a few signs of light greening.

Also I'm done LST'ing. I'm going to let all the main nodes grow up about a foot and then I'm going to switch her to 12/12. I suspect it will only be a few days.


Active Member
Great work GG. I am interested to see how many colas you get off of her after LST'ing here like that. I think she will still double in size before you are done. I bet you will get at least 2 oz dry from her.


Well-Known Member
2 oz would be nice. I'm shooting for at least 1 oz. I think by the looks of her right now, Michelle should have around 5 or so big cola locations. I'll post pictures the evening before she goes into a 24 hour dark period. Might even be tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
Here she is the evening before a nice 36 hour dark period. 12/12 will begin soon! Eight weeks later I will harvest! Wooo hoo!



Well-Known Member
Well I've been away without internet for a few days. But now I'm back and Michelle is a few days into flowering. Not a whole lot of changes yet. You can see in the second photo, towards the top node, a nice new pair of pistols.



Well-Known Member
Hawk I think you're right. You can kinda see them forming in the first picture; there are probably about 10. Some of my lower leaves are already dying from lack of light (since my light is about 2 or 3 feet above the Earthbox now). I'll just keep trimming them off as they pass away...


Big Guy

Little Guy


Well-Known Member
I could lower the light but I don't want to burn the cola's that are reaching up high. I'd rather have the lower leaves die off....I think...


Active Member
i'd say do some more LST and try to keep all the growth even like a scrog(do that next time) cause youll end up getting a bunch of nice sized buds compared to 2-4 big ones and the rest popcorn buddies...other than that lookin good im excited to see what you get off of this cause im debating weather or not to grow NL99 or ak99



Well-Known Member
IVking thanks for the rep. I really can't LST anymore at this point because the stalks have become very thick. I'll have to try and get a good picture for you all. I might try SCROG next time.

I chose the NL99 based on the description given by Joey Weed at Marijuana Seed(s) Cannabis Seed(s) buy purchase (cannabis, pot) shipped worldwide. Judging by the thinness of the leaves I expect this to be a nice hybrid high. And the smell has been relatively low as claimed. So far, I would say it's a good buy for the money.


Well-Known Member
Hey GardensGrow. I finally cut the last part of my plants. I staggered the harvest with the last cuts yesterday at 95 days. I harvested at 65, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 84, and then finally at 95. The majority was taken on days 73 thru 84.

I let them grow longer than I was anticipating. I was surprised by the difficulty in judging the right time to harvest. I researched and thought I was prepared but never felt confident about harvest times when it actually came time to make a decision. I was using a RadioShack scope to view the trichiomes. I had success viewing the trichs clearly. But they seemed reluctant to change from cloudy to amber like I was expecting [shrug]. Since so much of the time I wasn't sure, I tried not to rely solely on one indicator. I looked at trichs, I observed the overall condition/look of the plants, watched the calendar, and made my choices. Next time I'll nute feed for longer to help support aging foliage...I think. Seemed like the buds could have benefitted from less leaf loss towards the end. Towards the end they were practically nothing but buds on a stem--no fan leaves.

Total harvest came in at 162 grams according to my scale (which admittedly is not the best--I've got a digital one coming). That's about 5 3/4 oz. Plant #1 was 64g, #2 was 45g, #3 was 53g. 145 grams of the total was/is jarred and is now curing. The rest was quick-dried, only hung dry, or whatever.

None of those totals include the taster buds I was stealing from the plants before the real harvest began. I didn't weigh any of that. I'm sure I could have gotten 6 oz had I left them alone. Either way, that's in the .65g per watt range which I think is terrific for me.

I found that once I cut a stem and trimmed/manicured it in preparation for hang drying, I would loose on average 78.5% of the weight to moisture and stems. In other words, once a fresh-cut bud was trimmed for drying I could expect 21.5% of it's weight to actually make it into a jar for curing.

A few things have surprised me recently. The one plant (#3) that was clearly a different strain has been my favorite. I considered trying to reveg and figured I'd use that one. It looked the best and seemed to have the "best" buds. But I'm not sure it's the best smoking of the three. All during the grow I would have sacrificed #1 or #2 for #3 if I had needed to. I guess that just goes to show that looks aren't everything.

Another big surprise is I found a seed in one of the buds of plant #1. I was watchful for male parts and never saw any. Yet here is a seed. I've smoked buds from that plant and never found a seed before so maybe it was an isolated occurrence. I don't think it's a mature seed either. Whatever the case, I'm not concerned.

The second pic is the three buds that went to 95 days. Last pic is a closeup of one em'.



Well-Known Member
Hawk that is quite a harvest I must say. 5 3/4 would last me a long time! Great job on that and I hope that the smoke is rewarding. So you just ended up cutting before the trichs turned amber? Did the ones at 95 days show any amber trichs?

Also an update:

Overview - Angle 1

Overview - Angle 2

Little Guy

Big Guy


Well-Known Member
I don't remember seeing this yesterday on the leaves. Though I find it hard to believe it happened overnight. It was a relatively cool night (about 65 degrees). Does anybody have an idea what's going on here?



Well-Known Member
There were some amber trichs. Even on some pre-95 day cuts I could find some amber ones. My notes show "first amber" way back on day 54 of flowering. That may have been a false sighting though [shrug]. I had to really look for them and they'd be widely dispersed. Even on the 95 day cuts I'd be hard pressed to say 10% of the trichs were amber. And sometimes I'd see a trich head that was clearly amber, except the head would be shriveled up a bit. It almost looked like those heads had contact damage causing them to "die" rather than age naturally. I dunno. That may be what I saw way back on day 54. Or it may be nonsense.

I guess I was expecting to see obviously amber trichs that slowly but surely increased in population. Originally I was thinking I'd leave some of it until 30%, 40%, or even 50% of the trichs were amber. It just didn't seem to happen like that though. Seems like the plants would have died before they got to that. Agian, I don't really know.

It IS satisfying smoke. I do NOT think it is the mose potent smoke I've ever had. Very hard to say though. I haven't been a regular toker for many years. I guess I was hoping for some sort of super-weed that would completely knock my socks off. It's good weed. It's not super-man strength weed though. Especially plant #3...I think. I have been smoking an awful lot lately so maybe that has something to do with it.

I haven't smoked anything that was cut after 74 days yet. So I guess the jury might still be out. However, I'm betting that with good genetics (instead of unidentified bagseeds) and a better nute schedule, there's room for improvement on all fronts.


Active Member

Your plant looks great and I see a lot of extra colas from the LST'ing. One thing that I noticed in my grow, as the plant matures, the oldest fan leaves closest to the bottom of the plant start spotting, turning yellow and dying off. I would just pull them off when they were about ready to drop. This seems to be just part of the normal llife cycle of the leaves. As long as the plant is putting on new growth and developing the buds, I would not worry too much about the older leaf loss.


Well-Known Member
Well I wasn't worried about the older leaves so much. But in the picture in post #177, those are relatively new leaves.

Also the bud growth has been slowed quite a bit.

I think these are signs of P and K deficiencies. I haven't gave them any extra slow-release ferts since the beginning of the grow.

So I top dressed the soil with some more slow-release ferts. We'll see if it makes a difference.