FIRST EVER GROM NEED HELP(few snow white bubbleponics)


Active Member
Hey whats up everyone hows it going. I a rookie please im open to all suggestions!!!! Takns for everything everyone ahs been great so far please keep the awesome support comming

What im working with:
  • 5 fem snow white seeds form nirvana
  • 6 pot Stealth Hydro bubbleponic system
  • 400watt hps(HTGSUPPLY)
  • i built a 8ftx4ftx3ft box outta wood
  • i lined it with aluminum foil i know dumb but i cant find mylar anywhere!
  • I cut a hole in one side and i got a fan inside blowing air directly into a vent
  • also got another bigger fan blowing air around the cabinet to create wind.
  • got grow,micro and bloom nutes that come with the 5 gal system
Temp- 90-100 degrees(help)
Humidy- about 45%
PH- around 6
-Wed April 8th- planted seeds into system(used half a bag of micro and grow nutes and used purified room temp water) 24hr light

-Wed April 15th- POWER OUTAGE! my power went out plants arent lookink to good i think they got nute burn as well

-Thurs April 16th- Power On! late tonight the power went on i changed out the water and nutes and left the door to the box opened for a while cuz my mom was at church to get the temp down for a little while.

-Fri April 17th- they seem better now they straightened back up to the way the were before.

Please how can i get the temp down, will mylar help that much? should i drill holes? get more fans? or its it becuase the light is to powerful for the box :cry:
Please write of grow box posted minus aluminum on the walls and light hanging by chains, more to come very soon of lants so i can get feed back on those too!



Elite Rolling Society
The LIGHT is too powerful for your box, and you need a VENT FAN like you buy at Lowes or Home Depot. Ask Major Tom about his Vent Fan.

If you can not find Mylar, paint it WHITE inside..


Active Member
thanks hey sorry i have been away my mom found out freaked alll is cool she knows i need it for my chrons ima post the pics of them there about two weeks in i used mylar ballons it cooled down and i got a vent fan and cut some hole where my house air can make it in...thanks for the help no one else will respond your the man roseman i really appreciate this...a new problem came about they look really good i got some nute burn a week ago and they seem to survive and look alot better except the one that was growing faster of the other 4 looks like weird its leaves are curling i moved the light a little farther and i stated spraying them with a water becuase the leaves felt so dam dry that was prob why im assuming but i sure you can tell me form the pics


Active Member
thanks! yeah there getting better they werent stretching much tho so i put the light up higher for a couple days and they look a little bigger now i kinda have to rush this now because my moms is on my ass whats the fastest way to finsh but with a decent yeild still? also there is one thats growing a little faster then the other 5 its roots are in the water n the others are just cracking the bottom of there pot is this a bad thing or is that normal? thanks again for all the help_peace_


Elite Rolling Society
thanks! yeah there getting better they werent stretching much tho so i put the light up higher for a couple days and they look a little bigger now i kinda have to rush this now because my moms is on my ass whats the fastest way to finsh but with a decent yeild still?
You either wait, be patient, let them VEG for 5 weeks, and get a large yield,
start 12/12 now, get a faster but much smaller yield.

also there is one thats growing a little faster then the other 5 its roots are in the water n the others are just cracking the bottom of there pot is this a bad thing or is that normal? thanks again for all the help_peace_
It is normal, some sort of magic will take over and they will get to be close to the same size soon.


Active Member
thanks ok ima put them in flowering sunday that will be about 3 and a half weeks almost 4 weeks...yeah there all catching up now to the other they look like the getting really full so im guessing when i go to flower they will shoot up what is a realistic yield an o or two off each


Elite Rolling Society
The longer the VEG cycle, the more the yield.
Consider this, in nature, outdoors, we plant a seed in mid to late April. It grows through April, May, June, July, and in mid to late July, as the sun's rays change, the plant naturally changes from VEG to FLOWER, with the diminishing sun's rays. That is nature's way. The plant grows and matures to an adult plant for about 3 to 4 months. THEN, it makes flowers. That is nature's way.
Indoors, in HYDRO with feeder tubes, we cut that time in half, by using 24/7 LIGHT. instead of 3 months, or 13 weeks, it takes about 6 weeks to become a mature plant in HYDRO, with 24/7 LIGHT.

OK, also in nature, we see most animals and humans reproduce at maturity or adulthood. If a human, (or dog or any animal) is forced to make babies before maturity, like getting a 12 yr old girl pregnant, then the babies are weak, or runts, or deformed, and just not at their best.
A dude here, a most experienced, knowledgable grower named fdd2blk (and a MOD here too) taught me a long time ago, that it does not make sense, it is not wise, it is not logical, to make a child have a child, and it is not wise or smart or logical to make an immature baby plant, have babies.

If you will VEG for 5 weeks, to 6 weeks, you will have more time for proper TOPPING, PRUNING, AND FIMMING, and you'll get bigger plants, and you will also have a mature adult plant, ready to make healthy, stronger babies (flowers) .

If you begin Indica Flowering, after VEGGING 3 or 4 weeks, you will harvest about 60% to 75% of what you would have harvested, IF you had waited and VEGGED for 5 or 6 full weeks.

This info applies to rapid growing in Hydro, and to Indica strains. NOT slowly in SOIL, and NOT Sativa.

I average 3 to 4 ounces per plant, VEGGING 5 to 6 weeks, and I have gotten 7 ounces from one plant, the one you see at my signature. I got that with planned, proper Topping and Pruning and Fimming, and creating more tops or cola sites.

If you need info with pics on Topping, Pruning, or Fimming, let me know.


Active Member
yes please i have no idea how to do any of that yeah i think ima let them veg longer your right...thanks rosey for all your insight im gonna post some new picks later there looking nice green and full


Elite Rolling Society
Topping, Pruning, Fimming
Essentially they are the same, "Pruning" and "Topping", just two different commonly words used. Fimming means a lot of indesriminate Topping. It is also known to some as "Pinching" as well. In this page it will be refered to it as "Topping"

Topping is done to increase yield and make them bushy, bushy, bushy, make more buds, promote "branching", and increase the overall yeilds of the plants. With higher overall yeilds, a grower will successfully harvest many more budds, or floral clusters, and from smaller, bushier and more compact plants.

To the indoor grower that does not use this technique, but allows their plants to grow tall, it can be a waste of their artificial lighting, and growing spaces potential. With its own natural growth pattern, and without the benifit of topping, your lady will have one main central "khola" budd, at peak flowering. Several other small branches will grow outwards, down its main stalk, with much smaller budd topps.

The natural growth pattern is to grow upwards at its main stalk. From this main central stalk will begin to grow side branches. The side branches come out as tiny shoots with leaves, and usually there are a pair of them on opposite sides of the main central stalk.

When the seed leaves have long dyed off on the main stalk. The first true seed leaves commonly can or will, wilt, dry up, or dye off of the plant as well. (the little round ones) Once healthy new vegative growth begins the rate of growth can be very fast, with excellent lighting supplied.

As the new growth increases the light reaching the lower portions of the plants becomes less. Thus it is common to see first leafs wilting and dying ect. Growers that see leaves wilting or dying, ect, will opt to pulling them off of the plants. It is cool to remvoe dying, yellowing unhelathy leaves. I NEVER remove a helathy leaf.

The main central stalk is topped of just above the branches that are coming out below it. A pair of scissors is best be used.
There are no rules to where you top your plant or how old it needs to be. As long as your plant has shoots protruding further down the main stalk it is able to be topped. When topped the growth of the plant will be concentrated towards the new, younger vegative shoots.

Once you have topped your plant(s) the younger shoots will rapidly begin growing. With the removal of the main central stalk the lower braches grow more. With topping completed we keep the plants on their regular lighting and feeding schedules.

Now each new shoot tip will essentially grow as the main stalk did, however the growth is not concentrated to only one central stalk. So as each new shoot grows outward new shoots will grow from each one of them stalks as well.

Therefore topping can be done again, and again, and as each shoot becomes a growing tip with other shoots forming down its stalk, it is removed. By completing these topping or pruning tactics, a grower can acheive any desired height, or desired bushiness, they desire in their plants.

I TOP and FIM, at the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week, (I do a rapid Hydro grow) . Look at the results in the pic of my dozen stalks.

With pre-planned Topping and Prunnimg, I was able to persuade a plant to make 12 or 13, (depending on how you count them) to produce 12 oe 13 stalks. got about 46 inches tall, and produced 7 ounces of dried manicured buds.


Active Member
i did the process today i topped two of them the others arent looking as great so i didnt want to mess with them ...also i have noticed my fan are acruing a lot of dust will this make them male if it keeps happening? could it already be to late and can i tell if there males yet i bought fem seeds what are the odds?


Well-Known Member
The longer the VEG cycle, the more the yield.
Consider this, in nature, outdoors, we plant a seed in mid to late April. It grows through April, May, June, July, and in mid to late July, as the sun's rays change, the plant naturally changes from VEG to FLOWER, with the diminishing sun's rays. That is nature's way. The plant grows and matures to an adult plant for about 3 to 4 months. THEN, it makes flowers. That is nature's way.
Indoors, in HYDRO with feeder tubes, we cut that time in half, by using 24/7 LIGHT. instead of 3 months, or 13 weeks, it takes about 6 weeks to become a mature plant in HYDRO, with 24/7 LIGHT.

OK, also in nature, we see most animals and humans reproduce at maturity or adulthood. If a human, (or dog or any animal) is forced to make babies before maturity, like getting a 12 yr old girl pregnant, then the babies are weak, or runts, or deformed, and just not at their best.
A dude here, a most experienced, knowledgable grower named fdd2blk (and a MOD here too) taught me a long time ago, that it does not make sense, it is not wise, it is not logical, to make a child have a child, and it is not wise or smart or logical to make an immature baby plant, have babies.

If you will VEG for 5 weeks, to 6 weeks, you will have more time for proper TOPPING, PRUNING, AND FIMMING, and you'll get bigger plants, and you will also have a mature adult plant, ready to make healthy, stronger babies (flowers) .

If you begin Indica Flowering, after VEGGING 3 or 4 weeks, you will harvest about 60% to 75% of what you would have harvested, IF you had waited and VEGGED for 5 or 6 full weeks.

This info applies to rapid growing in Hydro, and to Indica strains. NOT slowly in SOIL, and NOT Sativa.

I average 3 to 4 ounces per plant, VEGGING 5 to 6 weeks, and I have gotten 7 ounces from one plant, the one you see at my signature. I got that with planned, proper Topping and Pruning and Fimming, and creating more tops or cola sites.

If you need info with pics on Topping, Pruning, or Fimming, let me know.
Hey nice post... can you help me


Well-Known Member
Topping, Pruning, Fimming
Essentially they are the same, "Pruning" and "Topping", just two different commonly words used. Fimming means a lot of indesriminate Topping. It is also known to some as "Pinching" as well. In this page it will be refered to it as "Topping"

Topping is done to increase yield and make them bushy, bushy, bushy, make more buds, promote "branching", and increase the overall yeilds of the plants. With higher overall yeilds, a grower will successfully harvest many more budds, or floral clusters, and from smaller, bushier and more compact plants.

To the indoor grower that does not use this technique, but allows their plants to grow tall, it can be a waste of their artificial lighting, and growing spaces potential. With its own natural growth pattern, and without the benifit of topping, your lady will have one main central "khola" budd, at peak flowering. Several other small branches will grow outwards, down its main stalk, with much smaller budd topps.

The natural growth pattern is to grow upwards at its main stalk. From this main central stalk will begin to grow side branches. The side branches come out as tiny shoots with leaves, and usually there are a pair of them on opposite sides of the main central stalk.

When the seed leaves have long dyed off on the main stalk. The first true seed leaves commonly can or will, wilt, dry up, or dye off of the plant as well. (the little round ones) Once healthy new vegative growth begins the rate of growth can be very fast, with excellent lighting supplied.

As the new growth increases the light reaching the lower portions of the plants becomes less. Thus it is common to see first leafs wilting and dying ect. Growers that see leaves wilting or dying, ect, will opt to pulling them off of the plants. It is cool to remvoe dying, yellowing unhelathy leaves. I NEVER remove a helathy leaf.

The main central stalk is topped of just above the branches that are coming out below it. A pair of scissors is best be used.
There are no rules to where you top your plant or how old it needs to be. As long as your plant has shoots protruding further down the main stalk it is able to be topped. When topped the growth of the plant will be concentrated towards the new, younger vegative shoots.

Once you have topped your plant(s) the younger shoots will rapidly begin growing. With the removal of the main central stalk the lower braches grow more. With topping completed we keep the plants on their regular lighting and feeding schedules.

Now each new shoot tip will essentially grow as the main stalk did, however the growth is not concentrated to only one central stalk. So as each new shoot grows outward new shoots will grow from each one of them stalks as well.

Therefore topping can be done again, and again, and as each shoot becomes a growing tip with other shoots forming down its stalk, it is removed. By completing these topping or pruning tactics, a grower can acheive any desired height, or desired bushiness, they desire in their plants.

I TOP and FIM, at the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week, (I do a rapid Hydro grow) . Look at the results in the pic of my dozen stalks.

With pre-planned Topping and Prunnimg, I was able to persuade a plant to make 12 or 13, (depending on how you count them) to produce 12 oe 13 stalks. got about 46 inches tall, and produced 7 ounces of dried manicured buds.
Never mind... I kept reading... LOL Thanks