First ever grow /2x Fem Afghan Skunk /CFL /Comments welcome and most likely needed


Well-Known Member
I AM TRYING A CFL GROW NEXT WEEK. 1 250w cfl for veg due to previous issues with heat then will switch to a 400 hps for flower, growing 4 cheese little beauties. hoping they do all right. using a 1mtre squared tent 170cms high. heard a ph of 5.4 is correct. that right?? any tips of you serial cfl growers......cheers.
start your own thread!!!!thats what this whole website is for........anyways pers' your grow looks awesome, they look like they are starting to fade just a little i would topfeed with some more soil or get some nutrients


Active Member
Couldn't tell ya man. Just wanted to say ive been following and it all looks great so far. I hope to start my first grow around thanksgiving. Keep us updated and good luck, but your at the end of week 4 and I'm guessing the plants will start talking to ya in a day or two of deficiencies, so I'd go ahead with the nutes.
Nice one man, good luck with your grow… let me know when ya get started...


Active Member
Veg, Day 32

Hey everyone, hows tricks out there….

Well since the last post I had planned to sort out some nutrients for the girls, I only managed to get them fed today

Not the end of the world but they have a few extra yellowing leaves because of it…. reason being is I bought medi one but when I added it to water it brought my ph down to 4, and me got no ph up, only down….
so I then went again the next day to get some ph up and I got some silica product came home again to feed the girls and dropped my ph meter into the fucking water(and its not waterproof) :wall::wall::wall: so only today could i give the girls some food

Pics aren't great as I haven't found my charger for my camera yet, aye phone for now :sad::sad::sad:

This is the nutrients the hydro guy advised, organic, and will be using this up till harvest, 20ml of this dropped my ph down to 4 in 5 ltr of water


Got some bug killer also,


The new ph pen, not the cheap one I got off flea-bay but its waterproof which is more idiot proof i guess….. :idea::idea: £45 quid tho….:wall::wall:


Bud Link Silicate product I got also,


Heres the girls as of Day 32, Afghan 1 is on the right, Afghan 2 on the left..

Lady bird still chilling with the girls…. hopefully nuking all pests that come before it….


One of the yellowing leaves, some more below the canopy...


Done the final bit of LST'n, got the canopy as even as possible….


Girls back under the lights….


Having hard a good chat with the hydro guy I ended up purchasing a 250watt 2700K cfl, got a reflector for it also, opened it to find it has a 3 phase connector so i'll have to go back to the shop to see if I can get an adapter…. grrr…..
The advice he gave was that with this there would be a lot more penetration with this light as opposed to numerous cfl's, lets see….


The girls got about 4 litres each which gave about a half litre run off,

With the mix of Bud Link 12ml, Media one 20ml and water 5 litres, the ph was 6.3.

I gave half strength of both as initial feeding,

Temps have been good and the heat tube doing its thing as temps have been between 83F and 62F, colder days here are helping so hopefully might be able to max the lights to 300w on each girl…. lets see

Switched to 16/8 light cycle on Veg Day 31(Last night), I am going to give the girls another 5 days or so before I go into flower as I wanna let them pick up a bit from the LST'n, feeding today,

I also made a foliar spray with the Bud Link product, so gave them a lil shower earlier…

Hopefully they enjoy todays feeding and kick on, feel bad for letting them get a lil hungry but I am sure they will march on…..

If anyone has any advice/experience on the products i got please let me know your experience with them…. and if you have any advice about anything else please feel free….

I guess I am about 30% on with this grow… i'm excited like a little kid with the idea of smoking my own… :clap::clap::clap:

To keep me ticking I should be getting a half oz of organic long peak blue in the next week or so, so really looking fwd to that too….

Times are good people, times are good




Active Member
Another Update, Veg ,Day 32

Having gone back up to the girls for a look after the LST I decided to add 3 more cfl's, 2 30W 6400k and 1 30W 2700K bring the total wattage in there to 510 watt….

So 255W approx on each girl…. Nice



Active Member
My 2-shits...Looking nice and healthy, many additions man...but more lights are (almost) always good! If possible, can you get some of those lights down and around the sides of the plants, It will help shead light down low, through the canopy, where CFLs generaly fail to penetrate! Also, it will keep things nice, short, and bushy...gotta remember that they streach about 45-65% (sometimes more) when light cycles change, so don't forget to veg accordingly in regards to space avaible to flower those ladies!


Active Member
My 2-shits...Looking nice and healthy, many additions man...but more lights are (almost) always good! If possible, can you get some of those lights down and around the sides of the plants, It will help shead light down low, through the canopy, where CFLs generaly fail to penetrate! Also, it will keep things nice, short, and bushy...gotta remember that they streach about 45-65% (sometimes more) when light cycles change, so don't forget to veg accordingly in regards to space avaible to flower those ladies!
Thanks chief,

yeah man adding the extra lights to ensure the sites on the sides get a bit more love, Nice…. temps are now pushing 85F so I just need to be careful in that regard….

they looking better this morning following yesterday feed & LST'n, seem to of taken to the medi one alright….

whilst i was home the past days the cfls have been approx 1/2 - 1 inch from the girls…..

your right about the veg i may actually switch to 12/12 sooner as I have limited time to get it set for 2700K, gotta add the reflector and drill for hanging the cfls ,

I just wanna make sure after the nutes i just gave yesterday that they are healthy before going to flower….

loving your girls, went through your journal once again last night…. t'has helped me a lot….



This looks SICK!

Yeah, i think it would be amazing to get like 1 double to the left, one between em and one to the right of the plant. On the other hand your plants looks so fat and compact i bet i would do minor difference. :)

Happy growing!


Very nice job with the LST'in! You should have a nice, even canopy with 8-12 tops its looks like to me, should be a good harvest!


Active Member
This looks SICK!

Yeah, i think it would be amazing to get like 1 double to the left, one between em and one to the right of the plant. On the other hand your plants looks so fat and compact i bet i would do minor difference. :)

Happy growing!
Very nice job with the LST'in! You should have a nice, even canopy with 8-12 tops its looks like to me, should be a good harvest!
Hey lads,

thanks everything seems to be going well, update coming shortly with a few new picture….. Nice….


Active Member
Veg, Day 38

Final day of veg as I will be going 12/12 tomorrow,

Been busy tonight as I emptied the area, setup new 250w cfl and switched to 2700K from 6400K, gave the area a good scrub and sprayed the bug killer all around the room and on the plants...

Temps have been 85F to 62F,

RH between 50%/30%

When I got the girls out this evening they were a little droopy from lack of watering, too busy these past evenings to pay attention


Little leaf burn from a cfl dropping on it for a few minutes..


Ill be interested to see what temps the room gets too now I have a 250w light plus ten 30W cfls totalling 550W which is slightly more that the 510W I had.

Chatting with my hydro guy he suggested temps might be lower with 1 250W as there will be less area leading to the bulb to heat up(if ya know what I mean)

The short while it was on before lights off would seem to suggest that but lets see, 85F was the upper temp with 17 30W lights...

I question for ye peeps out there, the 250w cfl, how far from the girls should I keep the light, its current about 7 inches away, closer seem to not give a good spread of light over both plants but i also don't want it too far away so it doesn't make the girls stretch any more than needed… any ideas?

I'm pretty feck tired now and have an early start so I'll leave ye tonight with some pics…

Thanks to all for commenting and offering advice, :clap::clap: good times people...



Any thoughts, help or advice is appreciated…. thanks everyone...



Well-Known Member
you can get nice penetration with those small ones too, try lowering one or two of your lights to right next to the plant instead of on top....just a thought i use a 125w on top and some small ones on the bottom and side ____
l Y l <<<<
everything looks great


Active Member
you can get nice penetration with those small ones too, try lowering one or two of your lights to right next to the plant instead of on top....just a thought i use a 125w on top and some small ones on the bottom and side ____
l Y l <<<<
everything looks great
thanks man, yeah I have the little cfls down as before to about 1 or 2 inches from the girls, temps were looking good this morning at about 70/75f, looks like the 250w is generating less heat than the equivalent of the smaller cfls, so might be able to add 2 or 3 more cfl which would then bring me to a total of 610w or 640w in total on the two beauties&#8230; boom&#8230; Nice...


Active Member
Flowering, Day 5 (43)
Been away the last days, but the girls seem happy

They have already grown about 3 inches in those 5 days,

tired tonight so heres a few pics,



Active Member
Flowering Day 6 (44)

Just added another 4 30w CFL's bringing the total now to 670w watts, gonna see how that goes with temps but its been 78-58 high low the last few days...

5 cfls are 6400K so 150w @6400K and 520W @2700K, does that seem ok ppl?

they have really hit a growth spurt since flipping also, hope the growth settles a bit soon, is it true they spurt in the initial weeks 1-3 of flowering?

hard to get decent pictures in the grow, but here goes&#8230;.. Nice&#8230;.




Active Member
Flowering Day 8 (46)

Hey all,

Took a few snaps last night whilst I had the girls out, posted in the newbie section about this particular bud site looking somewhat stunted,


Been told it could be a nutrient deficiency,

just back from my hydro guy and he suggested it could be stress from flipping to 12/12 from 16/8, and said not to worry&#8230; so maybe i shouldn't&#8230;..

Heres another few pics, growing nicely and got plenty of white hairs coming&#8230;.Nice&#8230;.
Afghan 1

Afghan 2



Active Member
Flowering Day 12 (50)

Everything appears to be going good, even the mutant stem appear to be thriving and has a couple of normal shaped fan leaves coming,

White pistil's shooting up everywhere, I'm rotating the pots each day to ensure a decent spread of light to all sides&#8230;.

Temps got right down here last night resulting in the grow getting down ta 52F, not good , tube heater being turned up a bit more tonight...

watering now every other day now, alternating between medi-one/budlink and 6.2ph tap water&#8230;..

On average I give them 2 litres each every two days, i know there is no normal amount but would anyone hazard a guess how much they water every other day?

Heres the mutant stem in the centre, whatever was wrong it seemed to of kicked on...

And heres a few more from tonight,


Tell us your thoughts guys, all looking ok?