First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided


Well-Known Member
Its what i would do and i would only use the water pump as a last resort i never used one before i always use air stones and make sure its misting the entire net pot i keep it right under the rockwool until the roots drop then lower the res. Someone else might be able to chime in on this system im a bubble bucket guy same idea tho i never really water from the top unless i have a root problem then i put a hydrogen mix down from the top. You could also run one plant with the water pump and one without and see the difference or if you run into problems down the road etc. My clay balls on the very top stay dry just FYI.
If you look at the pictures. The plants died. xD It was my first shot at it, and I just didn't have the proper PH equipment, and I am almost certain that is why the plants died. But there were lots of little mistakes here and there that contributed. I just don't have money for seeds right now, so I can't start my next one for a little while. :(
Yea, for sure man. I am going for some Northern Lights next time around. :)
Sub up and I will post in here when my next grow starts and you can check that one out. :)


no nutes till you have at least 2-3 inches between each node maybe even 5 blades on ur fan leaves..nutrients are DEFINITELY what killed ur plants...and it wasnt even nitrogen poisoning... i have no idea what u gave too lazy to go back and find out.