First ever grow. cheap closet set up. need advice


Well-Known Member
The larger of the 2 has slowed in growth looks like it has a lot of good bud sites startin though. The smaller has started growin pretty rapidily again after the main stem break. Both plants got flushed the other day and now i'm waiting for them to dry so i can start the nutes. Got a few new pics.



Hey man great pictures!

Don't worry about going simpler. Its good to experiment the first time around to get a feel for how you want to grow. Really impressed with your plant, the stem looks prettttyyy large


Well-Known Member
Hey man great pictures!

Don't worry about going simpler. Its good to experiment the first time around to get a feel for how you want to grow. Really impressed with your plant, the stem looks prettttyyy large
Yeah, all the branches are startin to get nice and thick. They're all a reall nice green, aLl the nodes are pretty close together.

I'm really glad i went with lst. I like the idea of being able to train the shape and get larger amounts of growth every where. I had some big mishaps on both plants that slowed the growth a lot but all in all I'm really happy with my grow.
lookin good man...good luck with the rest of your grow...i will be keeping an eye on this one...curious to see how the MG fert works.


In response to your bud area question. If you were to take a birds eye view above your plant, you'll be able to notice where the bud sites are. They're usually a bit brighter green and their stems will look a bit thicker. Those will be more of your "large" nugs... I have no idea how to tell where you're going to get the side branch kind of bud sites.

I didn't really have a good view in your pictures, but I'd say you are going to have at least 6 or 7 solidly sized nugs. And that's a really low estimate.


Well-Known Member
Got a few more pics. Not much change in size overall but the hairs are multiplying by the day. I'm thinkin i'm gnna slow down on the major posts but i'll still be checkin daily.



Well-Known Member
Got a couple new pics. The smaller of the girls has jumped a lot in size in the last week or so, doubled almost tripled in size.



Well-Known Member
So the girls have been on 12/12 for about 3 weeks. Can anyone tell me what the growth looks like. It seems alittle slow to me but i'm still new so i may be wrong. I also have a couple over all picks. The growth during the first 2 weeks of flower really helped them fill out. Just wondering what the bud sites look like from a more experienced eye.



Well-Known Member
So the girls have been flowering for 41days now, just a day shy of 6 wks. The smell is startin to get a lot stronger, it's a piney, kinda skunky smell. I couldn't get a good enough close up buut the bus are getting nice frosty all over. Can anyone tell me the most general averagee for flowering?



Well-Known Member
Right on man, I have a nice little closet grow with cfl and tubes going right now, i cant wait to see your harvest


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the support guys. I'm can't wait to finally see how i did. Got my 30x magnifier on it's way and should have it in a couple days. I can't wait til the buds starT to fatten up.


New Member
Looks Great! Average flowering time is about 8-10 for indica and 10-14 for most sativa dominant strains.


Active Member
Looking great!
at this stage of the game I suggest you try this DIY C02 boost... take the plant ,take a big big snifff then breath out.. its good for both of you!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up on the nutes. Next couple waterings are gonna be straight water. After that i'll cut my nutes down a bit.