First ever grow-Chocolope in Kind Soil


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I didn't know Chocolope had a purple pheno. I wonder if it comes from the Chocolate Thai or the Cannalope Haze. The color is normal, I drop my temps in flower specifically to encourage the color change.

So you don't think this is any kind of phosphorus deficiency?


Active Member
For some reason I have journals mixed up. OK, so your around 30-35 days of flower? Your not flushing? If this is right then yes you have a phosphorus issue.
Don't know if you a ppm meter but I enter flower at 1200 ppm and ramp to 1800 depending on strain my npk ratio at 2-1-2. This with a mid flush then a ending flush with ro water.

BUT, it is still a tough call. I checked out burgmans seed bank, to be honest it's sketchy to me. He doesn't mention anything about the breeders or lineage. It is very possible you have a strain that has purple phenos.


Well-Known Member
I am at exactly 35 days since flipping. All I have fed is RO water with cal/mag added and RO water with molasses added (twice). I've never checked ppm or ph. Growing with the kind soil I was under the impression I never needed to.


Well-Known Member
If it is in fact a phosphorus deficiency. What is the best way to combat it?

Water with RO water ph at 6-7 and see if ph lockout is occurring? Or water with bloom nutrients immediately?

Also, should I cut off the leaves that are effected?

I want to keep it organic so I'm going to go with either Alaska Morbloom or Humboldt Bloom Natural.
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Well-Known Member
If it is in fact a phosphorus deficiency. What is the best way to combat it?

Water with RO water ph at 6-7 and see if ph lockout is occurring? Or water with bloom nutrients immediately?

Also, should I cut off the leaves that are effected?

I want to keep it organic so I'm going to go with either Alaska Morbloom or Humboldt Bloom Natural.
You'll want to hit it with bloom nutrients right away. I'm honestly surprised you made it this long without seeing this deficiency.

Unless the upper leaves are blocking a bunch of light to the ones below it, or there's an actual reason to remove a leaf (training purposes, half chewed from the fan, etc, etc) it's recommend not to remove it.


Active Member
If it is in fact a phosphorus deficiency. What is the best way to combat it?

Water with RO water ph at 6-7 and see if ph lockout is occurring? Or water with bloom nutrients immediately?

Also, should I cut off the leaves that are effected?

I want to keep it organic so I'm going to go with either Alaska Morbloom or Humboldt Bloom Natural.
Exactly as said above. I was assuming you were under a normal nutrient schedual, ops. I am also suprised they haven't showed more serious signs before this. But definitely get a NPK solution to feed. Leave the leaves for now, water with normal ph for me thats 5.8. Look on the bright side you should see a increase in yeild now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses. Day 35 isn't too late for this harvest to be ruined?

It looks like a complete noob mistake. I haven't been PH my water after adding cal mag or molasses. This could have caused ph problems.

Also I don't think I used deep enough pots and enough of the kind soil for nutrients.

Arriving today is Humboldt Bloom Natural which is a 0-10-0 formula and supposed to be high in phosphorus and calcium. Will feed the girls these tonight after PH'ing In the 6.5 area.


Well-Known Member
So last night I fed the girls half a dosage of the Humboldt Bloom Natural. I PHed it around 6.8. Checked on them this morning and they seemed to have responded well.

I was looking online at a Seebank for future grow possibilities and came across this.


So maybe chocolope has a pheno that changes to purple. I'm not sure. Anyways, I'm going to alternate plain water and the bloom nutrients for about 3 more feedings then just straight water until chop


Well-Known Member
Update. Day 46 of flower.

I've given the chocolopes 3 feedings now of the organic bloom nutes. It seems as if the purple color has spread a little. I'm not sure now if it's phosphorus or natural color change due to the temps.

Temps in the tent have been 72 lights on and 66 lights off.

Some pics





And here are the Scotts OG clones. If I get 7 grams out of it I'll be happy with it.




Well-Known Member
The purple looks genetic, and gorgeous :weed:

Just my two cents...

Yellowing of the lower leaves says you're out of N. Burnt leaf tips say you've overdone it just a bit with your bloom booster. Also, if you need P, that you surely need more K as well.... K gets used up faster in flower than P, and also is used for a longer duration of the flowering. P supplementation is needed during heavy flower setting... which you're just about through. Being that your soil is used up, and you're likely deficient across the board, I'd feed lightly with a base bloom formula. If continuing to supplement w/ a booster as well, use one with both P and K. P = energy. K = quality.

I know you already mentioned it... but your deformed foliage growth really looks like revegging from a light leak, or some electronics in the room emitting light hitting that area?

Overall a great looking grow, congrats :clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
The purple looks genetic, and gorgeous :weed:

Just my two cents...

Yellowing of the lower leaves says you're out of N. Burnt leaf tips say you've overdone it just a bit with your bloom booster. Also, if you need P, that you surely need more K as well.... K gets used up faster in flower than P, and also is used for a longer duration of the flowering. P supplementation is needed during heavy flower setting... which you're just about through. Being that your soil is used up, and you're likely deficient across the board, I'd feed lightly with a base bloom formula. If continuing to supplement w/ a booster as well, use one with both P and K. P = energy. K = quality.

I know you already mentioned it... but your deformed foliage growth really looks like revegging from a light leak, or some electronics in the room emitting light hitting that area?

Overall a great looking grow, congrats :clap::clap:
Hey man thanks for all the info/advice. I'm pretty sure the kind soil ran out of nutrients. I didn't put near enough or have a deep enough pot. I didn't know K was used up more than P. I'll look into some kind of organic nutrients.

The tent is completely dark with no leaks with lights off. I'll open the tent once per dark cycle to check the temp and humidity. Maybe twice. Would that cause a problem?


Well-Known Member
Hey man thanks for all the info/advice. I'm pretty sure the kind soil ran out of nutrients. I didn't put near enough or have a deep enough pot. I didn't know K was used up more than P. I'll look into some kind of organic nutrients.

The tent is completely dark with no leaks with lights off. I'll open the tent once per dark cycle to check the temp and humidity. Maybe twice. Would that cause a problem?
Yeah man, the dark period is no joke. Needs to be uninterrupted. That deformed, smooth edged, single leaflet growth is a telltale sign of revegging.


Well-Known Member
It's looking about 3-4 weeks until harvest so I'm starting my next run. For this run I'll be growing 2 Trainwreck Autos and 2 Jock Horror Autos. I used the paper towel method and they germinated overnight. Just stuck them in the dirt today.

They will be getting 19 hours of light per day. After the chocolopes are chopped these should be ready to flower and I'll put them in my flower tent.

I have them in the veg tent with a jade plant that I'm temporarily keeping alive for a friend



Well-Known Member
I haven't started a separate grow journal for my next grow so I'll just post it here. I went to check on the seedlings and noticed they look like this. All 4.


They are planted into 3 gallon smart pots. 2 gallons of kind soil with 1 gallon FF ocean forest on top.

I've been running them under 2ft 4 bulb T5 fixture 19 on 5 off. Temps have been 70-83 and RH maybe a tad too high. 75% almost constant for the first 3-4 days of the plants life.


Well-Known Member
I think at this stage it's one of 3 things.

1)Nutrient burn from FF OF soil being too hot.

2)Seedlings too close to the t5s. They were about 3-4 inches. I've moved them down to about 6-7.

3) Heat/humidity stress. Humidity levels have been around 75-80% constant.

Does anyone have any idea or seen something like this?


Well-Known Member
What's up. Haven't updated in a minute. I chopped the 2 Scott's OG clones and they have already dried and been trimmed. They are now curing for a week or 2. I ended up with about 6g from those. Here's what that looks like.




The chocolopes are at exactly 9 weeks. I've been checking the trichs and to me they look just about done. I want the sativa heady/energetic/euphoric high. I think I will chop this weekend. Here's one of them that I took out of the tent.




Well-Known Member
So I chopped one plant Friday night and one Saturday night. I decided to do a wet trim since I've read it's easier.

After trim I weighed each plant separately. I got 215g and 287g. Hoping for a little over 4 zips when dried.

Only issue I had was one plant had a pretty foul smell. Not like cannabis at all. How much will the smell change after a cure?

Pics here




Well-Known Member
So the buds are dried and have been placed in jars for the cure. The final weight altogether was a little over 3 zips.

A little disappointed in the weight but it was my first grow and mistakes were made. I've learned quite a bit and hopefully will use that knowledge going forward to growing better product.

Here are pics of the buds after drying



