First ever grow! ...Closet/CFL/Bagseed...


Active Member
I just checked out the poland spring water website and it had the pH range of their water listed as 5.7-7.13. If those are the extremes, then poland spring has a pretty fucking good average pH for marijuana.


Well-Known Member
yeah... as long as it doesnt get past that 7.0 figure. cannabis doesnt care too much for alkaline water. 5.7 is good for hydro set ups, but soil set ups prefer 6.5. you want to keep the ph level optimized to have the best growth and yield. also, do you know about sexing? if not i can help


Active Member
So yesterday afternoon she was at her worst - leaves drooping way down, lots of browning on the leaves, absolutely no noticeable growth. Things weren't looking too good. I watered her with poland spring rather than sam's choice around 7 pm and by 11 I saw some improvement in the droopiness, but browning had worsened a little bit. Today, the leaves have perked up a lot more and the browning seems to have stopped. Hopefully she'll make it through. I'll post pictures a little later.

Scias- thanks for all the help! I know a decent amount about sexing at this point from the growFAQ and various threads but keep checking the journal. I'll probably have some more questions as I get a little further into veg.

Smoke2Live- ...what?


Well-Known Member
any time. let me know if any more problems come up. try to get some pics up when you can so i can assess damage/strain info


Well-Known Member
was just reviewing this thread again. yellowing is a nitrogen deficiency. if you still have yellowing, find a nitrogen boosting solution. nitrogen is essential to new plant developement as well. this is most definitely the problem. browning could be a calcium deficiency. anyway, like i posted above, let me get a couple of good pics to properly tell whats going on :D


Active Member
Here are the pictures. As you can see, she's in pretty bad shape.:cry: I'm 95% sure that the switch back to poland spring stopped the problems, but I'm not sure what to do now.

The second picture is of the worst set of leaves. The fourth is of the best.

Should I keep going with her? Cut off any leaves? The new growth in the center is all dried out/dead (crumbles between fingers) so maybe a premature topping?



New Member
Im tryin to buy some herb , I live in LA, North Hollywood if anybody has any good hooks text me or give me a call me (800)-ima-tool


Well-Known Member
Traffic i definetly think you need a hygrometer, for temp and humidity, looks like u have a serious heat problem, i would use that 80mm fan as a exaust on the top or near the top of ur space, to get all the hot air out.

hope that helps



Well-Known Member
get the heat in check, see if thats the problem. if not, we'll get into the roles nutes play and what your most likely problem is.


Active Member
She's fine. Everything is normal (pH, nutes, watering, heat). I don't have any more problems as far as I can tell so she shouldn't get any worse.

How can I counteract the damage that has been caused already? Would cutting off the worst leaves help? The newest growth is all dead, so should I top her below that?


Active Member
I just cut off the set of leaves that looked the worst so the plant can concentrate energy in other areas. Probably going to top her below the dead new growth tomorrow unless something convinces me otherwise.


Active Member
So today is a pretty big day. She has much more damage than she can deal with and even if she did get over it, growth would be extremely stunted. At this point, its not really worth continuing this grow, so I am sadly ending it.

Being my very first attempt at growing, I'm not too upset with myself. I now know infinitely more than I did going into this, so I'm really excited to try again and do it right.

I'm going to be making some minor changes to the cabinet to get the best results and will probably start germinating for the next grow on wednesday. Hopefully the Thanksgiving weekend will bring some seedlings, in which case I will have everything up and running next week. I'll definitely be starting up another journal as it was really helpful this time.

Thanks for all the help and support!


Well-Known Member
Awww, sorry to hear this man.. but now you have more knowledge for your next grow- knowledge grows marijuana better than any nute you can buy... any plans for a new grow?


Active Member
Thanks for the sympathy. Yea I'm really pretty happy with everything I've learned which should make things go smoothly next time. I've got some bangin' bagseed that I'll start germinating soon, so the new grow should start this weekend.


Well-Known Member
hey next time pm me so i can get back to you sooner. i might have been able to prevent this if i had known sooner :(


Wow.....idk alot about nutes and stuff cause my plants are still seedlings......but besides of the drooping of the leaves the plant should be pretty successfull......ill keep tuned for ya next pic....hope its doin well.....