First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed


Well-Known Member
sooo last night after work i went home to check on my plants..still didnt sprout. so i dug them up to see if theres nething wrong and there was. they got all dried up and stopped growing. so my over watering problem was probly a lack of water problem haha. my dumbass was using nothing more than a spray bottle to water them because i thought itd be..idk much more gentle i guess. i salvaged a seed with a pretty long root and then soaked all the soil in water until it stopped draining out the bottom and then replanted the seed. i hav 4 more seeds germinating again so hopefully i dont mess this up again... :-(:wall:
Don't sweat it dude, live and learn.

The plants don't drink the water on the surface of the soil. That water evaporates pretty quick under hot lights.

You got it now. :)


Well-Known Member
haha thanx man =)...i just hope this seed can bounce back...ive decided to do an 18/6 light schedule right now. i was doing 24/0 but i figured it might help keep the soil moist longer if i did 18/6...i jus gotta go out and get a timer. ive been turning it off every time i go to bed and back on when i wake up cuz i go to bed at 1 and wake up between 7 and 730 so it kinda works haha
Whats up vdp. I'm also on my first grow, its been 2 weeks after my bag seed sprouted & it's looking great. The plant i have now was 1 of like a batch of 5 seeds germinating & it was the only one that germinated. I put it in a cup of soil, watered it, not thoroughly but sparingly, & covered it in saran wrap to keep the moisture in, couple holes in the bottom of the cup of course, & it sprouted and grew! I only watered it once & put it on a 24/0 under a 23w cfl & it sprouted overnight. I recommend the saran wrap since it worked for me. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i literally just read a thread where someone used saran wrap and was thinking i should do that haha thanx a lot man! could you post a link to your grow?


Well-Known Member
i literally just read a thread where someone used saran wrap and was thinking i should do that haha thanx a lot man! could you post a link to your grow?
Saran wrap is a fine idea, I do it too. It comes off as soon as the seedling shows green!


Well-Known Member
watdu mean? haha do u mean that by the time it sprouts the saran wrap starts to loose its strength and comes off by itself??


Well-Known Member
hey wbd do you remember how long u vegged the plants that got 2 oz..the ones back in 08 that got mold and shit. i basically want to try and follow that to the T and get as much as i can outa this grow


Well-Known Member
im starting to get REALLY discouraged. nothing is happening..still. Well..kinda. i have 2 new seeds that cracked open last night. im gonna wait for them to get pretty long before i plant them this time and keep up with the seran wrap. i might even get rock wool cubes to start them out in then once the get going put them into soil. maybe i just dont have a green enough thumb haha well im not giving up just yet. i still have a lot more seeds and a lot more soil. oh, i checked the ph of my water to and its at like 7.8 i think... could that be a problem? or will it still grow even if the ph is a lil high?


Well-Known Member
YAY!!! nvm i think my babies growin now haha i called my gf and had her check up on it and she said a little root tip is poking out of the soil. i had her send me a picture. its from her phone tho so its really bad quality and hard to tell but she said it was the root so lets hope it is haha and heres a couple pictures of the 2 seeds that r germinating



Active Member
Hey VDP good job so far. Get that baby planted soon, just make sure to touch it as little as possible and keep the tap root facing down. And once you get them going, these girls are a bit harder to kill then they are to keep alive. Just don't overdo anything, and approach everything with caution. As long as you do that, you will be fine. Keep to a 3-5 day watering schedule until the plant starts asking for more. Goodluck! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey VDP good job so far. Get that baby planted soon, just make sure to touch it as little as possible and keep the tap root facing down. And once you get them going, these girls are a bit harder to kill then they are to keep alive. Just don't overdo anything, and approach everything with caution. As long as you do that, you will be fine. Keep to a 3-5 day watering schedule until the plant starts asking for more. Goodluck!
thanks for the advice! i got one that sprouted and another waiting to loose the seed ill post pics in a second


Well-Known Member
ok so heres a couple pictures of the plants so far. i finally found emergency blankets at walmart so i put some up in the cabinet for reflection. i only have pictures for friday and saturday because i didnt get home until late sunday. they look pretty good to me. one still needs to get rid of its seed shell but the other looks pretty good

These r from friday

Friday two.jpgFriday one.jpg

And these from saturday

Saturday three.jpgSaturday one.jpgSaturday two.jpg


Well-Known Member
Its alive!. thats awesome man, looking good. Yea, those emergency blankets are in a small pack, kinda hard to find. I just started to sprout more seeds yesterday, i am going to have to sprout new ones every week or two because of my low female to male ratio, about 1 out of every 5 plants i sprout will be female :(.

And it Begins! First grow is definitely a learning experience. :)


Well-Known Member
woot woot! haha thanx man! hopefully i can make it last until harvest haha....daaammn 1 outa 5?? that sucks! i hope one of these is female haha i have a couple more germinating right now. im gonna try and make another box and put a couple more in it so i can have better chances. once i found those emergency blankets i bought the last 3 they had haha i only needed one but i was since it took me so long i wanted to make sure i didnt have to go through that again and got much more than i needed haha


Well-Known Member
Not much of an update today. i built another box to start a couple more plants in. i just gotta go get another pot and a few more things for my lighting fixture and its ready to go. i decided to switch the sprouts to 12/12 mainly because i want to see it bud haha


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of trying to order some seeds from attitude but since i live in the states its VERY sketchy...does anyone know how discrete their shipping is?? if i do order from them im probably gonna have them sent to a p.o. box that way it doesnt ship directly to my place. seems a lil safer haha


Well-Known Member
im jus worried about electricity bill and gna do an lst grow (i cant remember the persons username but they had an awsum idea) so i can keep it at a minimum space for now but i found a 125w cfl for 32 bux online thats including shipping and a 4 pack of 42w bulbs for 33 and i can always buy those plug in adapters 97 cents at wal-mart and just plug them into a power strip or 2 and go from not really tryin to go TOO fancy since its my first grow but well see where this takes me haha
I think his name was Penyajo. LOL!! Keep it up man shit looks good..


Well-Known Member
hahaha yes sir it was gonna take a few more pictures tonight to see if its progressed at all...well see what gonna keep checkin up on yours to see how it turns out..keep up wiht the updates man