First Ever Grow: Hans LED, Organic Soil, Feminized Seeds


Well-Known Member
....he grabs a piece of lumber....he slowly walks up to the plate....he digs in....he keeps repeating to himself, "keep your eye on the ball, keep your eye on the ball ".....
And here we go, I introduced myself here,
and now feel this is as good time as any to start a thread as I put 4 germinated seeds into solo cups, and under the lights, about 12 hours ago.
Tent: 3' x 3' 2 chamber DR90T Secret Jardin [no light for the 2nd chamber yet, going back and forth between T5 vs. LED]
Lights: (2) Two Hans Panels (with the whites, I believe)
Medium: Roots Organic in solo cups, with plans to transplant to Roots in 1 gallon, and then Roots/TGA Supersoil in 5 or 7 gallon pot.
Nutrients:None planned, except for maybe a little sugar down the road.
Seeds: 2 feminized Aurora Indica from Nirvana, 1 still in a paper towel
2 feminized Blue Mystic from Nirvana (2/2 germinated)
Solo Cups: 2 versions-1 each of AI and BM in single cup with a dozen drainage holes on the bottom and 1 each of Ai and BM in a 2 cup arrangement where the inner cup has the bottom cut off and the side sliced.
The outer cup has no drainage holes and as such, has made the 2 cup arrangement wetter and I suppose will need less water than the one cup arrangement.
Water: Distilled water so far, 0-1 ppm. I have a R/O unit but it tested at 200-220 ppm, and tap was 450 ppm. I was a little disapointed in the R/O and maybe a new filter will help.

I had zero problems with the delivery of the lights, seeeds (so stealth), and I also had the supersoil shipped.
My plan as I put this all together was to make it as simple as possible, Eliminate as many variables as possible.
Seeds were germinated in a very moist paper towel, in a ziploc that was 3/4 sealed, and in a shoebox.
4/5 seeds were transplanted at 60 hours using tweezers, into moistened,drained soil, and finished with couple of sprays from the spray bottle.
Plastic cups with 2 drilled holes were used for humidity domes.
The 2 BM seeds had roots twice as long as the AI.

Update & Breaking news:
3rd AI germinated, now in soil.
Cup #2 (BM with the longest root and seed 1/4 " under soil has broken the soil :)

So, 5 cups,so far:
cups 1 and 2-->BM (I am about 75 % sure,note for next time: Label Better !)
Cups 3,4, and 5-->AI

Current conditions in tent with lights on and a bowl of water in it are : 77 degrees and 70 % humidity [in the house it is 73 degrees and 50 % humidity]

The 5 solo cups are about 14 inches from the lights, which are on the lowest "seedling" setting we are, things moving relatively well.
My biggest issue (I think) is figuring out how/when to water/moisten the seedlings(soil), and ultimately transition out of the humidity domes and increasing to full light power.
There are many smart and experienced growers out there, and I welcome all comments, criticisms, and suggestions.
I like the idea of using the spray bottle on the seedlings, but am unsure when the next/first watering should be.
I am thinking first spray will be 2-3 days after putting the seeds into the soil, as they have a humidty dome on them.

Couple of final thoughts (for now): I am in the process of setting up a worm composting system after seeing this post here, and love the idea of reusing soil,etc,etc. IMG_1796.jpgIMG_1806.jpgIMG_1807.jpgIMG_1816.jpgIMG_1830.jpgIMG_1831.jpgIMG_1832.jpgIMG_1836.jpg


Active Member
IMG_1144.jpgIMG_1145.jpgIMG_1146.jpgi just started my first led soil grow,my own seeds, from last grow,i self polinated some the lower braches,bassically you sound like me,keep it simple,my last grow was 1 outdoor plant,harvested 1/4 lb after dry and cure,its now ready to smoke .my led setup is much more simple then yours,i have 8 cups going,so glad you made this post,ill keep an eye on it
I didnt use any humidity dome,i just gave them some rain water,they get direct sunlite all daay and i flip on leds at night,there now 4 days since put in soil and looking very good

there mix of purple urcle and a strain im not sure of, growing like crazy for 4th day also im not useing a tent or anything,the are in my bathroom for now,im my motorhome,temps controlled,


Well-Known Member
Looks good there Jo, hopefully mine will look like that in a few days.
Just checked on the seedlings, good news overall, but some concern(s)
#2:This was the one that broke soil within 12 hours, seems to be struggling to ditch its seed helmet. This cant be good.IMG_1842.jpgIMG_1846.jpg
#3:Broke through soil overnight. It is a little lopsided.IMG_1849.jpgIMG_1850.jpg #4:Broke through overnight and is looking good IMHO:IMG_1852.jpgIMG_1853.jpg So, overall I am pretty satisfied. Out of 5 planted seeds, 3 have broken soil within 36 hours. Cups #1 and #2 are the BM and they are at 1/2 on breaking the soil. Cups #3,#4,#5 are the AI and the 2 that were planted together broke soil together, and the slow rooter hopefully will catch up. I think the cups are moist enough to go another 24 hours, and I will keep the lights at 14" and keep the seedling setting. The 2 issues at the moment are 1)whether to worry about "seed head" and "lopsided #3 and 2)whether to try to transition to a slightly drier environment for the ones that have broken soil. They are under a dome that only has 2 small holes drilled in in, and I wonder if I should replace those "early" domes with some used water bottles with numerous holes, ? for 24 hours or so, and then ditch the dome altogether after 24 hours of increased aeration ?? All suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, GYF BTW temp in tent is 72 F and humidity is 67 %


Well-Known Member
I think you will do very well with this setup^^ excited to see the new Hans panels performance grower.

Let nature do it's thing , it will drop its "hat" eventually.............and REMOVE the domes once cotyledons emerge.


Well-Known Member
Hey Now PSU, thanks for stopping by, checking this out, and chiming in. I appreciate very much, all you have done with these LEDs and I would not be trying this without your generous efforts; THANKS ! So this morning is day 2 1/2 in the ground, and 2 days breaking soil for cup #2. Overnight the 5th seed broke soil (cup #5, which is the 3rd AI) At 4:30 this morning, the 6th hour of dark, temp was 70, RH 80 %. At 6:30, 90 mins with lights on, temp 75, RH 67%. Domes are now off all cups. This AM:IMG_1854.jpg. To review, cup #1 BM, broke soil 12 hours agoIMG_1856.jpg......cup #2BM,still with seed head,broke soil 48 hours ago,dome off 18 hoursIMG_1862.jpg.....cup #3 AI,broke soil 24 hours ago,dome off 12 hoursIMG_1858.jpg....cup #4 AI,looking great, broke soil 24 hours ago,dome off 12 hoursIMG_1865.jpgIMG_1866.jpg...cup #5 AI,broke soil 12 hours ago, dome off 12 hoursIMG_1869.jpg. The cups definitely look a little drier, but as you can see from the pics, there is plenty of moisture in that soil. Thinking still 2-3 days before they need any water.


Hey, subbing up for this log. I'm starting my LED grow now too. I was thinking about running two Hans Panels, but I'm going to order a SGS160 tomorrow instead, but I'm definitely curious too see your results. I guess seeing you do this makes me want to make my own log too! Well, time to stop being lazy...


Well-Known Member
Quick update. Things steady and stable. I have moved the 3 AI to one light and the 2 BM to the other light. #2...IMG_1885.jpgstill has its helmet. #3...IMG_1879.jpgIMG_1878.jpgIMG_1883.jpglooks pretty good.IMG_1887.jpg. The cups are drying out, but still have a fair amount of moisture. The 2 cup arrangement is significantly heavier than the 1 cup arrangement.I am thinking 1-2 more days. I am really thinking through how to water them when that moment comes. I like the idea of letting the soil get pretty dry as to allow the roots to search. I am performing a thought experiment where either 1)repeat the initial watering scheme, where the soil was watered to drain, let dry 20 mins and then hit with 2 sprays from the water bottle. In this way, I would try to repeat the same cycle that the plants have just gone through, and would allow the soil to dry out evenly, and ? help root growth. Alternatively 2)I could just hit with 1-2 sprays from the spray bottle and "monitor" for the soil to dry out. They both probably will be ok, but I like the idea of just repeating this cycle, and in that way not have to worry about watering for a few days. Thanks for stopping by, GYF


Well-Known Member
"Who do you work for #2 ?" Good morning. Overall going well. Temp is 70 and RH is 70-80 %. Lights still 13-14" above seedlings. IMG_1888.jpgPut a small non-oscillating fan in the corner; more for air circulation and wind mimicry rather than to actually impact the temp or humidity. On to #2...still having challenges ditching the seed helmet and the leaves are trying to knock it off..IMG_1896.jpgIMG_1898 - Copy (2).jpgMay have to help it along with a clean,new, scalpel. The 3 AI's are looking good. Here is #4...IMG_1899.jpgIMG_1900.jpg. Soil continues to dry out but is still moist at the surface. Maybe (?) water tomorrow which would be day #5. Cheers, GYF


Active Member
Hi! Im a newbie trying out the new Hans panel too and I think we basically started seed germination at the same time. I am pretty interested and will be following this thread closely, I hope you update often. :lol:

Good luck on your grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey Now Tortie, thanks for stopping by. Good luck to you too. Having some issues this morning. I am pretty sure cup #1 has some mold in the soil. Took out the inner cup and found standing water/mud in the bottom. Put in in a new outer cup, drained the water out, and will look to put the inner cup back in tomorrow morning (as it still has 2-3" of soil in the bottom). The temp hit 80 yesterday, and the humidity has frequently been over 80 also. Took out the bowl of water and will consider opening the side air vent later today. can probably see #2 ain't looki' good. #1...IMG_1902.jpgIMG_1903.jpgIMG_1916.jpgdefinite white fuzzy stuff, but seedling looks ok. As above standing water removed, and will be put back into original outer cup tomorrow. #2..Not doing well, used my thumb and finger to remove the seed shell, but I think it's too late, and it appears she is dying a slow death. Good thing the AI's are rockin". #3IMG_1907.jpg.....#4IMG_1913.jpg...and #5IMG_1910.jpg. #4 is definitely the driest but couldn't pull the trigger to water with all the moisture issues this morning. It will be the first one watered and I have penciled her in for tomorrow. Thanks, for stopping by, have a great day. GYF


Well-Known Member
Good Morning to All. You only water for the first time once....
Things overall going pretty well. Temps b/w 70-80 and RH b/w 65-85 %. I had few gnats last evening, showed up after I took the soaped water out. As the removal of the soaped water did nothing to
change the humidity, I put it back in last night, and no obvious gnats this morning.
Gen scene..IMG_1917.jpgIMG_1918.jpg

#1-Seedling looks pretty good, soil still very moist with the white fuzzy stuff still there. Did not put back into the drying out soil, ?tomorrow.
#2-IMG_1926.jpgIMG_1925.jpgNot dead, but not showing much in the way of life. Leaves micro-sized. Will keep folllowing.
#3-IMG_1919.jpgIMG_1921.jpgLooking good. Soil still pretty moist and cup is heavy.
#4-WATERED this morning. See before anf after pics.beforeIMG_1928.jpgIMG_1929.jpg...AfterIMG_1933.jpgIMG_1934.jpg...I wish I had weighed the cup daily and I wish I had a way to tell exactly how much I gave them. I estimate
7.5-12 ml (can guess by looking at bottle) I really wanted to get a good amount of runoff through the bottom holes, but didn't. I fell back on the old addage that it is easier to add more than to take away.
#5IMG_1923.jpgIMG_1924.jpglooks pretty good to me. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day. GYF


Well-Known Member
I would put the Hans panels on the second switch and lower it to around 15 inches from the canopy. It won't bleach them trust me:-) best run with the panel was at full flower phase from seed fyi.

Granted your version has way more 660 nm than mine (two leds) but just read the girls signs. it may help your struggling seedling as it looks light deprived and overwatered IMO.

All those osram 660 nm leds should rock it in flower! Its gonna be fun to watch no doubt.......good luck


Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there. Thanks PSU for chiming in again, much appreciated. I switched them to the middle setting last evening. Shit is bright. Alot of reflected light. I have to be careful to not spend too much time mucking around.
They are still at 14" which is where they have been the whole time. Temp is b/w 70-78 and RH b/w 65-85 %
#1 & #2 look to be stabilizing, and the AI's are rockin.
Soil probably drying out a little faster now, but #1,#3, +/- #2 still pretty wet. #5 looking pretty dry. I think it is as dry today as #4 was yesterday when I watered it. I will let it go one more day and water it tomorrow morning.
Looking back I think I put more than 10-12 mls into #4 yesterday, probably 15-20. A couple of dead gnats in the water. Put #1 back together. i.e. reunited the top and bottom parts of the soil, by putting it back into the
original outer cup. BTW I checked #3 for standing water the other day and there wasn't any.

Gen Scene:IMG_1960.jpgIMG_1962.jpg
#1IMG_1938.jpgIMG_1939.jpg..Still pretty wet, but loooking ok.
#2IMG_1941.jpgIMG_1943.jpgIMG_1946.jpg...She's a fighter. Leaves looking damaged but not done for. I'm rootin' for her.
#3IMG_1947.jpgIMG_1948.jpgIMG_1949.jpg...Also wet, but looking good.
#4IMG_1951.jpgIMG_1952.jpgIMG_1953.jpgIMG_1954.jpg...Watered yesterdy, and cup already feeling lighter. Growing..
#5IMG_1958.jpgIMG_1959.jpgIMG_1957.jpg...Driest. Will water tomorrow. Looks good to me.

So, here we are at Day #8 since breaking soil. Can't complain at all, in fact I am quite excited. Have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning to All. Thanks for stopping by CannaCove.
Things going pretty well.
36 hours after increasing the lights I have realized they are now on full flower, not the mother setting.
Seems the "middle" setting is the highest.
Will leave it like this as things are looking ok. Lights are 14" above seedlings,
Partially opened the side vent yestrday and this brought down RH to 65-70 % while lights are on, and 80 % when lights are off. Temp around 70-75.
Soil drying out more rapidly. Watered #5 with a few drops of run off, and looks like #2 will need water tomorrow.
#3 is looking the best.

#1IMG_1966.jpg...Not looking that bad at all.
#2IMG_1967.jpgIMG_1968.jpgIMG_1971.jpg...Drying out. Almost gave it a little water this morning but will wait for tomorrow.

#3IMG_1975.jpgIMG_1976.jpgIMG_1981.jpg...Beautiful. 2 cup arrangement, still wet, and still days away from watering.
#4IMG_1983.jpgIMG_1985.jpgIMG_1988.jpgIMG_1989.jpg...Watered 48 hours ago and drying daily. Will probably need more water in 2-3 days.
#5.WATERED (1st water)today.Few drops of run off. Before..IMG_1995.jpgIMG_1996.jpgAfter..IMG_1997.jpgIMG_1998.jpg

Overall, can't complain. The higher light intensity is drying the soil out quicker, and after 36 hours, doesn't look like any problems from the increased light intensity.
I wonder if leaving the vent open during dark will be a problem as this would be a "light leak", or is that only an issue during flowering ? (Lights are on 18/6) Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day. GYF


Active Member
Try to find a way to lower your RH (adding an exhaust fan maybe?) as it may be a problem when you go into flowering stage and you increase your dark period. 80% RH during flowering might make your buds prone to molds. Not a problem now but it might give you headaches later in your grow.


Well-Known Member
GM. Quick Updae.
Things going well. Temp outside 46 this AM. In the house, 60 with 55 RH.
In the tent, with the only vent 1/2 open, with lights on temp up to 83 with RH at 65 %. With lighs off temp is 70 with RH 73 %
I will need to address the high humidity at some point. Since I am trying to keep things simple, and since I have sealed the "fan vents" that I wasn't planning on using,
I think something like this is what I will try:
I watered #2 this morning. Kept gently adding water, waiting for some run off, but never got it. Picked up the cup and it is plenty heavy.
Realized I will have to probably water #, 2,4,5 every 3-5 days at this time. #4 drying out and may need some water tomorrow, which would be 4 days.
Gen Scene:IMG_1999.jpgIMG_2000.jpg
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.


Well-Known Member
GM out there. Not much to report, pretty quiet.
Temp/RH 80/65 % with lights on and 70/75 % with lights off.
Watered #4 for 2nd time. It seemed drier than the first watering, but I actually gave it less water. #5 looks good after its water yesterday.
#'s 1 and 3 are drying out now and it will probably be 2 days or so for them to be needing water.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

El Tiberon

Active Member
Santa Maria under Hans mother lights. I am very happy with the vegging and wanting to see what they would do in flower. 3 plants under 2 panels. I am buying 2 more of them to veg a 1.2 meter veg tent.

1Santa Maria Day 25.jpg


Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there. Things continue to go smoothly.
Hey Now El Tib, thanks for stopping by. That is a pretty lush plant there, and I hope one of these days, when I open the tent, something like that will be looking
back at me. I quickly perused some of your posts, and may chime in over the break. I told myself that I would try not to get political on this site, but I, like so many others, have very strong viewpoints.
Bottom line is that I am very scared of the future.
Temp and RH similar. RH gettting down to high 50's with temps up to 84 with lights on.
Plants drying out and have pencilled in water for #'s 3 and 5 tomorrow. #2 seems to have come back to life with fat 2nd set of leaves.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Thanksgiving.
