First of all, what seedz did you stick with?
Bright light mate! Making a reflector would make things better in my opinion! It's perfect by itself, though!
Your stealth grow should be really lightproof!
I would suggest buying or making a pot that's similar to the inside of your box.. It will take as much soil as possible. About 10-13 lt. I think! You will need one with drainage and if you can, drill more holes on the bottom for better drainage (if it doesn't have enough). I've put a leaf of a newspaper above the holes and then one layer with perlite (easy to find and cheap).
Then it's your soil:
You will need the simplest (without nutrients) soil you'll find. About 6.5 pH. So should be your water for watering (not for germination). For germination use simple plain water (if you do the towel method, or something like it.)
At first, you'll put it there (after germination) and in a small pot. This pot, can be either a plastic one, or a pot that lets roots pass through it, when long enough.. For the first one, you'll need to remove and transplant to your final pot. For the second one, though, you'll transplant with the pot, without the fear of somehow damaging her roots and shocking your lady.
You can mix your starting soil with a little compost, and some perlite too (perlite should be around 30-35% of your final soil for better aeriaton). You're set to go.
Germination, my method is the wet towel method. I'm too fucked up to explain what this is, please look it up on the net. Or on riu!!
You should find the first steps in there..
My suggestion is you do it cos personally I've had 100% success!! Just saying tho!
Strong start = Strong ladies!! (True for all the ladies!!
I'm coming along!!