First ever grow. Indoor bagseed.MacGyver box


Well-Known Member
day 61 the SD I am taking the main bud off in two more weeks I think, and leaving the rest in a attempt for seeds. I self pollinated the lowers. Going to use some of the SD auto pollen on some moby xxl buds today. :). The mobys balls probably have maybe 10 more days to go. So I won’t have a chance to pollenate the SD with Moby (next time:) ).I don’t know I am a noob. I’d like to not feed the sd bytes the next two weeks, then feed after I harvest the top. The idea being feeding it to make the seeds? Or do I skip that this time and keep feeding. All a learning experience for me.



Well-Known Member
Oh and I forgot to mention that being a noob I just wanted to turn the two lower branches with CS. Well those two lowers are now smack dab in the middle lol as shown in the photo above^. So I am not expecting too much control on that.


Well-Known Member
The soil arrives today then the hazelnut cream goes into a 5 gal. I’d like to put some of the clones outside Nov 30 :) and some inside next to a window that faces the sun all day. I should have the sour d auto seeds that I made in 2-3 more weeks. Really excited about that. I think that I can see some seeds trying to pop through some buds. Either way I started with one so even a few would be awesome. I pollinated the moby on a stem also :). Love the smell of the sour d. Would be great to just pop a bunch and let them do their things. I do
Wish that I’d have ordered more photos, only got the freebie of GodBerry. I hope my hazelnut cream is a girl. A few more weeks and I should be able to tell. Planted to straight reggie seeds. Curious to see what they turn out to be with some care. If they turn out to be great then I’ll clone, then make pollen, and then seeds. Well I’m dreaming green and rambling, good day. :)CF97625D-0967-419B-AD98-738B00CB2867.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Obi and the girls :) The hazelnut showed preflowers so very glad it’s a girl. I got it from a dispo bag. No idea what pollinated the mother. Took clones already from her, going to pollinate one bud with my SD auto pollen down the road. Plan on doing that for both actually. Def want to order more beans in the future. Now that it’s legal. Yay prop 207.

