first ever grow

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Daft as it sound i used a internal house bin. nice and big cheap as chips from your local wilko's or similar store and they hold a shit load of soil more than enough for a good size plant... drill a few holes in bottom voila.......


Well-Known Member
moved thisn to a 10in plastic pot. growin a little bit more everyday!

i tell this one to keep on truckin everytime i look at it.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
well matey that looks like good news for me because allthough a lot smaller than your plants mine seems to be lookin what i can only assume is nearly identical to yours if they where a bit younger. so im a happy bunny lol

nice plants BTW


Well-Known Member
well matey that looks like good news for me because allthough a lot smaller than your plants mine seems to be lookin what i can only assume is nearly identical to yours if they where a bit younger. so im a happy bunny lol

nice plants BTW
thanks man. good luck on your grow! imma have to take a look.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Ive eddited the journal and put it in the right place this time so i would try again if you got to the old one! There is a few new pics up there aswell...

Im also using a 400watt HPS from start to finish, i know its not ideal but im told the HPS bulbs are good to go all the way through and if you look at my album "silvia" you'll see how nice these seeds look when they get going! also i might add that one was done on the window sill so im hoping for a much better show this time!


Well-Known Member
good grow i like what is your cfl's properties please write
thanks man right now i have 5 warm spectrum CFLs. 3 23w, 1 26w, & 1 30w. probably gonna go get more at lowes soon, someone posted somewhere that theyre having a sale on cfls


New Member
haha dude... Im growin some closet buds too... i just planted the seeds... I hope to Bob Marley they look as good as yours do... they are so dense yet so small... they are ganna be niiiice little plants haha. Keep up the good work bro. and keep us posted please!


Well-Known Member
haha dude... Im growin some closet buds too... i just planted the seeds... I hope to Bob Marley they look as good as yours do... they are so dense yet so small... they are ganna be niiiice little plants haha. Keep up the good work bro. and keep us posted please!
thanks man. good luck with yours as well! keepin the closet scene alive! lol

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
yeah damn right keep the closet thing alive! looking Real nice there sonshine! mine are startin to speed up a little now they are starting to root through the peat into the propper soil...

keep the pics comin!