First Ever Grow


Well-Known Member
its really hard to tell from they pics as they way to blurry but from what i can make out its a bit early yet give it another few days and see how it goes.


Active Member
Thnx for the feedback so far, When she comes out of the chamber tomorrow ill take some pics with the 10mp camera if i can find the batteries by then :), Smoking some white rhino at the mo and pretty damn mashed lol


Active Member
Update - Day 12 - 12/12

Im in the process of re-designing my wardrobe setup as my original design was seriously flawed. Im about half way through the new setup, Spent 8 hours yesterday building, lining and wiring the flowering chamber and today made the frame ready for the vegging chamber.

MX doesnt seem to be slowing down, Currently standing at 2ft 4" from the top of the pot, Gave her a watered down solution of Oldtimer bloom 2 days ago and she seems to be filling out nicely.

The 2 Trainwreck seeds have both broken soil and are thriving although i ran out of batteries before i could take pics.

Sorry about the quality of some of the pics, My photography skills arent as good as i thought they were when im stoned.

Day 39 - 4.jpgDay 39 - 6.jpgDay 39 - 1.JPGNew Design.jpgDay 39 - 5.jpgDay 39 - 3.jpgDay 39 - 2.jpg


Loving the plant and setup Belesar.

Just a tip for up close picture taking: most cameras have a setting for these types of pictures, usually indicated by a flower symbol. Switch it to that mode and your close ups will be much more clear.


Active Member
Just a tip for up close picture taking: most cameras have a setting for these types of pictures, usually indicated by a flower symbol. Switch it to that mode and your close ups will be much more clear.
Thnx for the tip, Did always wonder what that flower symbol did lol, + Rep when i can


No problem. Love to help out where I can.
I know it took me about a year after I got my camera before I realized what that mode did. lol


Active Member
Hi all, I have finaly succeeded with making an adjustable light fixture for my bulbs, Im so chuffed with myself that i needed to tell someone who might appreciate it lol
The box will be hung and connected to a pulley at the top of the vegging chamber so i can adjust the height as required :)

Prototype 1 (2).jpgPrototype 1.jpg


Active Member
Belesar that new light setup is badass. A+
Thnx man. Quite proud of myself lol

That light rig is sick! I wish I had the patience to sit down and build something logical and practical like that hah.
Its quite funny actualy as the idea come to me when i was in bed and i couldnt sleep till i had worked out the whole process :)

With any luck i should be finished with the new conversion today and ill post an update on my new permanent residence for my plants.


Its quite funny actualy as the idea come to me when i was in bed and i couldnt sleep till i had worked out the whole process

I know just what you mean. I've been through the same situation before, and I had to stop what I was doing, go grab my notebook and draw it all out before I forgot it. Of course half of the plans have to be revised once the haze clears up a bit.
Keep up the good work.


Active Member
I know just what you mean. I've been through the same situation before, and I had to stop what I was doing, go grab my notebook and draw it all out before I forgot it. Of course half of the plans have to be revised once the haze clears up a bit.
Keep up the good work.
Thnx man, For now im pretty pleased with my growing area, Ill probably make a couple of revisions once i get my first grow out of the way :)


Well-Known Member
Well I'll be here for your next journal, bummer on the balls though. Knowledge learned and applied to a more productive next grow!