First Ever Grow


Active Member
Hi everyone, I live in the north of Scotland, the weather has been pretty nice as of late and I'm looking to grow for my first time outdoors. The strain I think I'll go for is Early Misty. I only want to grow 2 maybe 3 plants max and I'm hoping to harvest after the summer if I plant the seeds in the next week. Has anyone ever grown this strain outdoors in the UK before? I chose this strain because I was looking for something that doesn't grow huge and I heard its pretty easy to take care of as this is my first try. Any tips for a new grower on not getting caught? I'm planning on growing the plants either in my garden which is pretty big or in a nearby forest. What does everyone think?


Well-Known Member
i think early misty would be a pretty good strain to grow in scotland, you should plant 5-10 seeds if you want 2-3 plants because around half will be males..and you could lose some to nature.. such as bad weather, bugs, nute burn, ext.. you could put them in a green house that way your not likely to get caught, your garden would be a good place to grow as long as you dont have any nosey neighbours or there no chance of people walking down the street and peeping over a fence.. just think when they bud its gonna smell alot, so maybe it would be a good idea to plant in the woods.. just make sure the spot has lots of sunlight, make sure that when you plant the last frost has already past.. any more questions just ask...


Well-Known Member
Kingkron pretty much hit the nail on the head, I would actually put some in the woods and some in your garden, because lets say if you planted them all in the woods and someone found them, then your SOL.


Active Member
i see, im also planning on not using any man made fertilizers, mainly just gonna plant it and water it. Will it work as well like that? The sun comes up around 6am here and goes down at about 10 at night


Active Member
hahahaha, another thing i wanted to ask was, whats the best way to dry it all out? I dont really have a place where i can hang weed upside down for a while lol. What about like puttin in jars?


Active Member
try to dry until the stems brake not bend before putting in jars
iny way you can be creative :joint:


Active Member
So me and my buddy were goin around lookin for spots in the woods yesterday, we found a nice secluded place with a stream nearby. The soil is pretty wet around there. I was thinking of starting off the seeds in 3 inch peat pots and planting the pots straight into the ground so that the roots will grow through the pot. Any ever used this method before?