FIRST EVER HARVEST!!!, Bubba kush indoor 400 watt metal halide


check it out my first ever harvest, i grew it from a clone jus to get some experience b4 i get seeds. so i used fox farm products, ocean forest soil, grow big, tiger bloom and big bloom. im bout 3 days into the drying, a couple more and they should be ready to cure.....enjoy tha pics, n e tips are always much appreciated, remember this was my first time!!! :weed:

oh and i gotta sativa hybrid white/diesel that is almost ready too, ill post those prolly next week.



haha, thanx guys and gals......the cardboard box is where the buds r drying, jus ran a rope thru it and it works great :)

jeff f

New Member
haha, thanx guys and gals......the cardboard box is where the buds r drying, jus ran a rope thru it and it works great :)

thats a lot of work for drying a half ounce of bud. just put them on something that generates a little heat, like top of a tv or computer tower for a couple days then throw them in a jar and open every day for a couple weeks. it cuts drying time in half if you just have buds, no stems. i usually cut mine off the stem before i put them on top of my veg cabinet.

if your anxious to smoke it, put some into a dehydrator for a half hour or so.

you definitely get an A for effort though. just highly unecessary. nice buds.


...thanx, jeff, but no thanx. id rather take my time with good 5 day dry and then a nice cure to do it the RIGHT way.....on top of a tv? r u kidding me?! ima 1st timer and i even know better than that

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
Sweet better than my first harvest from a 400w MH was my second grow but first harvest. I ended up with one female at the end that I had topped and got 4 main colas and a couple small buds they were all airy and only weighed a half oz dry.

Anyways sweet lookin nugs you got there and good job buddy! You will only get better at this!

jeff f

New Member
...thanx, jeff, but no thanx. id rather take my time with good 5 day dry and then a nice cure to do it the RIGHT way.....on top of a tv? r u kidding me?! ima 1st timer and i even know better than that
no not kidding. but i only been growing for 7 years about half pound a month so i probably wouldnt know ;-). again, nice grow


Well-Known Member
Bubba Kush has some awesome potential. Great night time smoke and good as far as "Kushes" are concerned. Only thing I don't like is the low yield. I wish Bubba was a heavy producer. Nice first harvest.


Well-Known Member
Bubba is a favorite of mine I'm glad you enjoy it too :D. You probably would have had thicker buds with a HPS bulb, but damn good for MH start to finish. :D
noob ur killin me but like the post. brings me back when i was like 13 just started growing. plus ur cocky for someone that flowers mh and the nuggs in grinder, which rips the shit out of your tricroms and red hairs which is basically pure thc thumbs up on the box tied to the fan = fire hazard + nonstealthy


Well-Known Member
noob ur killin me but like the post. brings me back when i was like 13 just started growing. plus ur cocky for someone that flowers mh and the nuggs in grinder, which rips the shit out of your tricroms and red hairs which is basically pure thc thumbs up on the box tied to the fan = fire hazard + nonstealthy
i lold at this. Talk about being cocky haha.

I think hes right, I wont ever quick dry my harvest LOL. That was just retarded IMO but whatever it's just not my style. Plus it's not me with a half a pound of improperly dried weed every month lol. As for the grinder, You ever heard of keif? I personally dont use a grinder but i know alot of people who do.


noob ur killin me but like the post. brings me back when i was like 13 just started growing. plus ur cocky for someone that flowers mh and the nuggs in grinder, which rips the shit out of your tricroms and red hairs which is basically pure thc thumbs up on the box tied to the fan = fire hazard + nonstealthy
be a little more on point with ur analogies. Cocky, NO, its called confidence. when u can go out and find a MH with reflector, bulb, and ballast for $120, get sum foxfarm nutes, drop in a bubba kush clone, and harvest these results in a FIRST TIME GROW!!!!....then maybe u can have a lil taste of what confidence is. lol oh and the so called "fire hazard" and "nonstealthy"....first off if u noticed there is no bulb in the light, and the fan was off, so no fire hazard there unless u were expecting sum sort of lightning to strike....and sorry, i dont have to worry bout stealth in my own house, thats y we grow at home right??? MH to flower tho.....ur right, but i jus got rid of that one, i got an led 90w ufo that u can see in the background. maybe a week and a half or so and tha next one will be done.....thanx for tha input tho


it was about 8 1/2 weeks flowering time....i jus waited till i saw no more growth for a few days and checked em wit a scope to look at the trichs, they were all bout cloudy so i harvested