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What's your runoff PH?I'm not sure y but looks like the thread was duplicated.. Anyways here's a copy paste from the other thread.
I'm not all advanced yet either obviously. I agree with flushing. however it is in soil id say mid flower cycle (finishing 3rd week) some leaves are yellowing (older fan leaves mid to lower plant) and over all they're starting to look a little pale. If I flush even with adding a light nute to the final volume of water would that make the yellowing or paleness worse? I realize the absence of nitrogen is more than likely the reason. I guess I'm just affraid to flush at this point. I appreciate your insight. Just weighting the options trying to get these girls to the finish line.
Flipped 3 weeks
Ffof soil
Ff nutes
Temps lights on 70-75 rh 40-50
Temps lights off 65-70 rh same
No gas (not yet) I'm sealed for it however I vegged too long being a newbie wanting to perfect everything and I didn't want these ladies getting too excited in stretch)
Anyways thanks again brotha any and all help is always appriciated.
Its more indicative of K than anything else, I think. Magnesium is a possibility too.Ill grab the run off ph tonight when I water. To check that out
I can add more cal mag but that's another rock and hard place. I'm only using a tall boy filter ppm around 200 out of the filter I'm sure most is cal.
I'm 4 weeks into flower and it seems to vary somewhat as to which way it want to pull. They started pulling up for a bit, but now its more downward. I've just been keeping mine aroun 6.0-6.2 lately, mainly because my bloom nutes are so acidic its hard to get it much higher with out getting a precipitate.Good point..
I was running 6.8 as a rule in veg so I just carried over.
Run off wanted to stay low like 6.1 to 6.3 (in veg)so I countered that with the 6.8
I was reading about how its opposite in flower the soil tends to drift to higher ph. is there any accuracy to that? I guess ill find out in about ten minutes lol
And thanks higgs I do appreciate it.
I would not do a flush at this point, I would just bring the PH down a little and watch to see if she likes that better.Run off 6.5
Clear water too
I'm leaning twords I fucking burned them again
So if I just water enough to grab run off is that sufficient ? I really don't wanna put them through 12 gallons of water at this point unless I have too. Maybe water them with plain PhD water and cal mag once more before feed again? It would screw up their schedule id hate it but id hate having bad bud too...