First Fogponics Grow


Active Member
So I just got done talking to a hydro store owner, I had my terms backwards between; Veg, flower, budding, etc...Basically....I have been using the wrong spectrum of lighting. I have now installed all my LED's and turned off the CFL's and any other light that was in the 2500k area. Now my plants should start growing faster :)

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
People veg with HPS all the time. Full spectrum and mixed can Always be done in both stages. It's just harder to flower with only blue spectrum. But we have all seen it done. People at the Dro store don't know shit, they like to think they do because they're all nerds who want to grow. But don't.

Those who Do, grow Pot, those who don't, work at the Dro store. LOL!

The plants will grow faster once they hit the res, the more light the better. Doesn't matter what spectrum


Active Member
All Pictures are from yesterday, when I post the ones from today you will notice a change in the lighting scheme.




Active Member
Already there is a difference in my smallest plant in a few hours, as well as the root expansion.

So far of all my root growth, the fog has picked up the fastest.


Incase anyone is wondering WTF on the 3rd plant in the aeroponics, was dying...cause it was one that was transferred from soil. So I cut off all heavy leaves on monday, left 1 medium sized one and I already have several new leaves sprouting.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
You have the Whitest Hands I've ever seen.. Seriously I'm seeing spots of grey and red now..

Why are they stretching so bad? How far are the lights?


Active Member
as far as the soil type...

I went with the African Gro something or other.

On these 2 plants I have 3 LED 5000K lights.


Active Member
yep. already acknowledged and tomorrow I'm going to get some foil to just put on the backside of the black plastic.


Active Member
nevermind, found what you were talking about. None of them are more than 6 inches away except for a single full spectrum bulb. I don't mind them growing taller than wider. I have a lot of room height wise. More than wide, thats for sure.


Active Member
Oh here's my proposed schedule:

Day 1 of clones vegging : 7 APR 13
Day 1 of soil going to budding : 7 MAY 13 (28 days of Veg)
Day 1 of Ebb and Flow going to budding : 21 MAY 13 (42 days of Veg)
Day 1 of Aeroponics going to budding : 7 JUN 13 (56 days of Veg)
Day 1 of Fogponics going to budding : 21 JUN 13 (70 days of Veg)

Each will bud from 4 to 6 weeks.
So, there will be 6 weeks in between my first and last budding :)