First Forest Grow


Well-Known Member
these are only a few of my babies in the forest near my home i have about 10 more pics but my phone died and i cant send them yet these have been growing for 3-4 weeksweednikka.jpg


Well-Known Member
ok i noticed that one of my plants has grape like seed things on the top of it so im assuming that its a male how far away should i set this from my females?


Well-Known Member
If you're starting you don't want to mess with seeds unless you plan on selling seeds as apposed to smoking weed. Cut it or move it to a far away area.. One other point...if you do get the urge to "stomp" a seed pod........don't.....just in case.....


Well-Known Member
well as of yesterday it got moved about 100ft from all the other plants should that be safe or should i eliminate it ?

zealand green

Well-Known Member
well as of yesterday it got moved about 100ft from all the other plants should that be safe or should i eliminate it ?
I dont know why you dont just kill the thing if you dont want seeds.......100ft is no way near far enough....the balls will open and pollinate all you girls with a little bit of of those balls produce lots and looots of seeds if it drifts near the females
kill it...and remove it from the area.


Well-Known Member
separate it with one of the females and let them have babies and then you can run around the Forrest like johnny apple weed


New Member
i wouldnt kill it .. looks way too early yo be able to determine sex .. so just let it grow a lil more til u know for sure

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
Pollen can travel miles if a good gust of wind takes it there. It is a ticking time bomb; One day can give the plant enough time to develop the pollen sacs and another day before they open and pollinate your females. Watch that plant with a keen eye on a daily basis, study the pictures of male plants in the various threads, and read a bunch of information on plant sex in the FAQ. If it turns out to be male, remove and throw away.