first good grow.... is it harvest time?


Well-Known Member
well ive come to the ending point of my first actual grow that i put some effort into lol. i have three different strains in my closet n they look quite a bit different. so i was kind of confused as to when i should harvest each plant. im not sure on strains cuz they were not mine from the beginning. i believed this one100_1016.jpg to be big bud but it started to get a littple purple around the edges and it has a lower bud to leaf ratio100_1020.jpg(big bud)100_1032.jpg(lanky ass plant ha!) than my other plants so now im starting to doubt that. heres a panned out shot of the lanky plant100_1034.jpg
i was thinking the big bud should be done b4 the lanky plant but the lanky plant is fatter.



Well-Known Member
like i said not sure of the strains... there was 5 originally i have 3 left. the ones i remember are big bud grape ape purple kush n purple wonder 1 unknown.originally tons of cfls now theyre under a 250w hps


Well-Known Member
ya i know about the trichs n i do have a microscope but its hella hard to see under 100x with shaky hands. i was just wondering how much longer anybody thinks they have should i start flushing n which will b done first?


Active Member
it depends on how long you have been flowering indica (short plant with thick leaves) strains go for 8-9 weeks and sativa (tall plant with long skinny leaves) go for an average of 10-12 weeks.... how long have they been flowering??


Well-Known Member
its all up to you! And what nutrient line were you running> and best advice i can give you is take a pic let them go another week take the same pic and compare do sum mesurements you know if it dosent seem like certian ones arent getting any bigger harvest it if it smells danky and looks ready probably is but dont wait to long youll regret it!! but good luck again very nice ladys!!!