women, always never their faultminus 1 purple white widow sow in soil. girlfriend dropped it and i cant find the seed fuck!!!!
On top of that she blames for for it and says that it was my fault how the fuck was it my fault if i wasn't even near her fucken bitch
along for the ride!
this shall be interesting lol
you talk to a woman nice....
i love my girl to death ppl even if i do call her a bitch on this board and in her face(i still got sum last night) but n e ways does anyone have any suggestions for the seeds that have not yet sprouted? One more thing when i transplant them to a grow bag and bury the stretch out stems i was thinking can i make tiny cuts all up the stem till about where its goin to be burying it and add a rooting gel to it, or would root automatically start coming out. i just dont want to waste the space of the grow bag
i took that pic after i sprayed them 3 times. when should i call it quits with the seedsyou may have over watered the ones that arent sprouting that dirt looked awful soaked they don't need very much water to sprout if they don't come up soon you prolly drowned them
looked like cow poo? thats a bear my friend, and for the deers Get your hair cut and ask them for your trimming and other peoples trimings i know it sounds gross but it works spread that around that will help and dog shit, deers are really sensitave to smells especially if your in a place with lots of hunters if the deer smells human or dangor there not gonna come by rig up some fences and they have Fake coyote decoys get one of them you will make deers shit themselves
and it will help with birds to and like i said rig up a fence with some old wire and car bats and you don't need a SHIT LOAD of dirt just mix it in with the dirt thats there and if the dirts dark and smells earthy then it's good dirt anyways if its like clay then you will need to get alot of dirt becuase clay sux
And i wanna help you i enjoy outdoor growing gives you time to get in touch with nature i wish anyone could grow anywhere i think it's an experiance that everyone should have even if it's not reefer and the work and effort you put into it will come out 10x better if you just half ass it then don't cry when the deer fuckin eat your plants n shit it's nature it will never change and just think you might get that deer high for the very first time =)
and a 2 mile irragation hose i've seen alot longer then 2 miles
aight it was 2 poop about the same size size of a full grown cow and i live in northern californiaOk well first off it's prolly a black bear depends on where u live there not gonna attack for no reason if it has cubs don't get inbetween it and it's cubs you got a grow buddy yet? if not get some m80's fire crackers or pepper spray i hunt bears with dogs i've been 5 feet away from a 400+ lb bears useually when you yell they run when your walking through the woods and if you just don't feel safe then just talk to yourself or say YO BEAR anything just to let the bear know your comeing then they useually leave the area don't let this screw your grow up theres nothing to worry about and about the gun I got cought poaching and i had a 38. special on my side i told the DNR officer that it was for bears and he said "that bear better rip your leg off before you pull that gun out son or your gonna be in a world of trouble" so just take some fire crackers you will be fine
aight it was 2 poop about the same size size of a full grown cow and i live in northern california