Well-Known Member
honestly im just putting them under the 1000wt mh cuz it gives off more light and the MH bulb is a knock off version of sunlight (bright Blue)for vegetative growth. ill have them under that light for about 2-3 weeks then start them into flowering until all plants have been sexed,to get ride of all the male plants then switch them back to vegetative growth for about a week or two then plant does sexy bitch out door by that time they should be 1-2ft tall and does fucken deer cant eat them all up and get high damn stoner deers
haha rofl they useually don't mess with them that much after they get big it's when there smaller you gotta worry they will top your plants for you lol that useually all they do is walk my bite the top off and leave you need some cages chicken wire and do the human hair trick im seriouse it works