First Grow 10 plants!


Well-Known Member
Good news about the temp and humidity try and get your temps around 72-78 and your humidity around 45-55% and you'll be golden.

You're soooo close Remix!! I can't wait to see those girls in a couple days, when you figure out what's up with the USB.

I'm so happy for you dude!! :clap:

Keep rocking it Remix, you'll be there soon enough.

Happy growing and toking!!



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are on a roll. If temps and humidity are close to ideal thats just fine. Tweaking them any more will be a pain in the ass.

Controling the enviroment is the key to success!


Well-Known Member
plants are turning around good, grew about an inch last night
one question though
will all the stress i put them threw with all the high heats, and them being almost a month old and still small, prob gunna have ta veg for another 3 or 4 weeks, is that going to fuk with the bud growth?
or even turn them hermie?

wat do you guys think bout it?


Well-Known Member
You can Veg them for as long as you want Remix.

However when they start to show signs of sex you want to throw them into Bloom because they are ready at that point. Stretch the Veg out until they show sex if you absolutely NEED to stretch the time. Just remember whatever size they are when you throw them into Bloom they will easily double or triple in size.

So if you throw a 12 inch plant that was in Veg into Bloom, that plant will be about 2-3 feet in height, of course depending on strain and what not.

The stress on the plants while they were young may stunt them a little bit but they should recover properly if you don't put them through anymore stress.

Glad to see they're back on track now, looks like you're on your way =).

Happy toking and growing.



Well-Known Member
plants are turning around good, grew about an inch last night
one question though
will all the stress i put them threw with all the high heats, and them being almost a month old and still small, prob gunna have ta veg for another 3 or 4 weeks, is that going to fuk with the bud growth?
or even turn them hermie?

wat do you guys think bout it?
Stress in vegging slows vegin growth. Stress in flowering slows the flowering. No stress slows nothing. No stress during flowering and you will be fine. Flower when ever ya like. Just make sure they are mature enough to flower.


Well-Known Member
alright cool, just wanted to make sure after all this work i didnt stress them out enough to turn them hermie or some shit lol
i hope they all turn female =)
at least 3 im hopin
wish i had more seeds ta start...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I hear you Remix, you can always ask a friend for some seeds that they got from a dank bag if you're low on cash.

If money isn't an issue order some seeds through Attitude or BCbud. I've used both multiple times, however with this temp grow, finances were tight so I used some OG Kush/Blueberry bagseed I got from a bag that my friend gave me. He finally remembered the actual strain and told me lol, he knew it was OG Kush for sure but forgot what it was crossed with lol.

BCBud can take awhile to get to you, but they have an excellent selection of breeders/seeds. Attitude is quicker, and also has a great selection of breeders/seeds as well.


Well-Known Member
ya lol money is tight now
but i can prob get some from my bro just gotta get a hold of him
how is ur grow goin doob!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for asking there Remix =). It's going pretty well 2 weeks into flower now and the bud sites on Freedom are forming nicely. Aeris is a bit behind but she is also female, had to pull her from Veg because she started showing pistils. However she is catching up pretty well to Freedom.

How about your little ones? How are they? Still on the fast track to recovery? Hope they're doing well.

Happy growing and toking.



Well-Known Member
Here are the pictures of Freedom that you requested Remix =).

The Blue pictures are blue because they were in my box and the flash from my camera made them blue.



Well-Known Member
dam she is lookin beautiful
is she about 2 feet tall?

nice plant though i hope mine will look even close to that good =-O


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment =), it's always nice to be complimented.

And yeah she is about 2 feet from the top soil good eye lol, I'll measure her in a couple of days when I take her out to water her.

I'm sure your grow will be nice Remix, there might be a couple bumps in the road, but you'll be fine. Just keep on going on the track you're on and you'll be golden by harvest.

The girls are still growing well I assume? Also grats on getting things on track again =), here's a :joint: and a pat on the back lol.

Happy growing and toking.



Well-Known Member
i just came back from my gramps house, got 420 bucks in 3 days, he hooks it up fat
but i looked at my plants and they are almost twice as big, i need ta get my camera tomorro, they are gettin fukin huge.....


Well-Known Member
but somethin i noticed, they arent getting all bushy, i dunno why but they seem like they are streching a little, i have a 400 watt hps about a foot or 2 from the plants
maybe its to far, i moved it closer just now to see if it helps, but i dunno


Well-Known Member
Post a pic and we'll see if it's stretched, and take it from there.

My plants were bushy and what not because I super crop them and train them.

Yeah but anyhow, post some pics I wanna see them lol.


Well-Known Member

look a little streched huh?
wish my good camera worked, i bought this one for like 20 bucks, hella garbage
my other one wont hook to the pc for some reason

wat you think?

also you can see where the bad growth was on the bottom lol, hella small leaves


Well-Known Member
They are stretched from the heat per-haps. Now is the time to lst/bend them over so your branches start growing.


Well-Known Member
They look a little stretched, but not the worst I've seen. Give them a couple days, since you lowered the lights recently and monitor the growth. I think they're looking a lot better than they were probably looking a couple weeks ago though.

If they're still stretching, lower the temp a little more around 78 the highest.

I also agree with Dirty, you should probably start LST'ing them soon here, if you plan on training them, but they look better than dead so you're still making progress lol =).

As far as your camera is concerned.....

Try another USB device in that same port and see if it connects, if not your usb port is fried. If not, check your drivers, go into control panel then system, then device manager and make sure there are no red or yellow markings by the usb category when you expand it. If it is driver related then just reinstall the driver or roll it back. You should be able to do this through your manufacturer's CD or website.

Also you can check Control panel then Scanners and Cameras (After you have connected your camera by USB) and see if your camera's name shows up in there. If it does you should be able to use the windows camera wizard to download the photos to your computer.

Probably should try the second suggestion on the computer first, then take it from there, kinda went backasswards on that lol.

Hope the computer info helps some and keep us updated for sure.