First Grow 10 plants!


Well-Known Member
So i have 4 bubblegum, 3 mazar, and 3 super silver haze, they are currently germinating in a cup in 3 different paper towels(so i know what ones are what)
i put them in there friday night, and i checked them today and they look like they arent coming out yet, i dunno if it matters if they get a little sunlight or wat?
or maybe it just hasnt been long enough?

i am here from start to finish, so hope grow goes good =)
all ur input would be much helpful

after they finish germinating i am goin to put them under a set of 40 watt T12's til i get my 400 watt hps by the end of the week hopefully.
i am using Miracle Grow Organic soil(yes i heard maricale grow is bad, but i dont think this organic shit is bad, it doesnt smell like chemicals like the rest.)

and once i transplant i def will upgrade soil.

so germinating, why havent they sprouted, need to wait longer? or is the little bit of sunlight fukin em up


Well-Known Member
The mg organic is good. Mix some perlite/vermiculite with it.
Trust me on this one......................Plant your seeds now and they will be up in 2 to 3 days.


Well-Known Member
Germinating before planting WAS done for when ya plant 200 seeds at a time. That way they know what seeds are going to grow. That saves them time. They dnt plant seeds that wont grow.
Its easy to mess up the seeds if ya have not done it before.

Are they in water? Like are they sitting in water or a damp paper towel?


Well-Known Member
Ya will drown those seeds if too wet.
I soak my seeds in a cup with an inch of water for 24 hrs and then plant them. The water penitrates the seed so ya dnt have to wait for the water in the soil to penitrate the seed.

Trust me and plant them. Or plant 2 and see whats up.


Well-Known Member
okay so good news and bad news....bad news first, so i just figured the 3 different papers towels were bad for 1 cup.....reason 1. i lost all 4 of the seeds in one of them i do not have a clue how but the one on bottom and one in middle was stuck together and when i pulled apart only found 4 seeds instead of 7 :/
second reason, the one on the top did not break the seed, BUT now here is the good news lol
the 4 that were on the verry bottom in a paper towel all had little tails =)
get me excited, so i just put 4 more seeds in, i didnt germinate or anything since u said you dont really need to, and watered all of them now just wait lol


Well-Known Member
nope did not touch, made sure of it, so u think those seeds will be fine even though i didnt germinate them at all?
the soil is pretty moist and then i watered them all in


Well-Known Member
They should be fine. Ya should not have to water them until they come up.
Glad ya did not touch the root.

I thought ya had them all in a wet paper towel?


Well-Known Member
ya i did but then i lost 4 somehow because there was 2 paper towels together and when i pulled them apart 4 seeds were missing :(


Well-Known Member
alright, well hope for the best, i have the light about 2 inches away maybe 1, i dont think these 2 40 watt flourecents will even bring them out of the ground, they really arent that hot lol, but wat do i kno.....if they can pull them out in a few days til i get my 400 wat ill be happy =)


Well-Known Member
They will work great. I just use a shop light on mine for about 2 weeks. They dnt need much light when first up. They are growing roots. All the growth is under the soil.

Good luck with the grow. Keep it simple and you will do fine. When ya try to add all kinds of shit to make them grow is when it messes them up. Keep it simple. Water and nutes= great buds. Thats all i use.


Well-Known Member
haha alright good shit, just gettin all ansy hopein that they will pop up....once they pop up it will be all good, i wont be stressin bout it ne more, kinda mad i lost 4 seeds though :/


Well-Known Member
good news, the four that had the tail and germinated are now up!!!
bad news, the ones that didnt germinate i dont see comin up yet
and also one of the ones that came up have the seed on the end of it, will it shed it off?