first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho


Well-Known Member
hey thanks, yeah I'm going to allow them to grow a bit more before going to a 3 gallon, then eventually 5 gallon I think, unless its more advisable to go ahead with the transplant.


New Member
just transplant once, its pretty pointless to do it more.
you could leave them in the cups but you'll have to water like mad.


Well-Known Member
alright then, thanks man. I think i'm going to wait until they need watering every day then go for a 3 gallon pot. The more I look at these snow whites in other logs, they do not get very big, <3ft , just are very bushy, so I'm thinking I should be safe with 3 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
Excellent, I've been looking for someone that's growing Snow White. Didn't buy the feminized but got a great mother plant. The plant is fairly hardy and a good first grow. Good luck..... Subscribed.


Well-Known Member
More pics, I will be repotting soon, with the clear glasses I can easily see the root development. These pics are about 3 days old, its hard updating so much, but they are much more developed than they look here.



Active Member
Best of luck with the Snow White.

Care for a picture of one just starting to bloom?

I love how she is white in the center. So many trichromes in a small area. Sorry for the color being off, the light was on when I took it.


Well-Known Member
Best of luck with the Snow White.

Care for a picture of one just starting to bloom?

I love how she is white in the center. So many trichromes in a small area. Sorry for the color being off, the light was on when I took it.
Uhh those are pistils and they are always white regardless of the strain


Active Member
Uh.. really../ I mean at the base of the leaves. they are coated in white. Just noticing how it looks. think if maybe this is how this strain got it's name.

sorry if it sounded dumb to you.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, thanks for the words, and the great pictures, I've been looking through snow white grow logs, I'm just hoping I can fit 4 of these guys into the flowering room I am about to start working on. I'll keep one as a mother. I really want to have some more pics soon for you guys, these babies are looking real nice.


Well-Known Member
the ¿orly? factor
The op was indicating that the snow white is called that because of the white pistils. All pistils are white in beginning and slowly turn or orange and brown when harvest is getting closer. By the way that bud is awfully small for having dark hair already..... :roll:



New Member
tom_420 bro...

first of all that plant is 2 weeks flowering. the pistils are more pink than red its just a slow shutter speed because its under a 1kw hps. if it looks young, its because it was young. some sort of pink kush/skunk/sativa hybrid sativa dominant from BC.

I love how she is white in the center. So many trichromes in a small area. Sorry for the color being off, the light was on when I took it.
what are you smoking man, streetrider didn't even start this thread.
plus hes not even talking about "specifically" pistils its the appearance of the plant because it has so many trichs or even the leaves may appear whitish.

drop it


Active Member
Thank you. At least one person got where I was going with this. Sorry to cause a disagreement. Just noticed the color of the trichromes in the photo.


Well-Known Member
DAY 23:
Sorry guys, things have been hectic. A few days ago I transplanted them into 3 gallon pots. Today is their first feeding, I'm starting with Grow Big/Big Bloom @ 1/4 strength. These ladies are smelling real wonderful also btw. Here are some pictures for you.
