First Grow - 2,000 Watt - 30 Plants - Hydro (Help Me Grow)


Active Member
OH wow! u werent kidding!

Well shit im sub'd fer this one. ill be more than happy to help out to my full knowledge too!:eyesmoke:
I'm going to soak them in 5.5 - 5.8 water for about 30min - 2 hours... if someone disagrees please let me know soon, haha.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to soak them in 5.5 - 5.8 water for about 30min - 2 hours... if someone disagrees please let me know soon, haha.
now im pretty high, but if i remember correctly rockwool is aklinic, so u need to lower the PH. i use de-clorinated water with a bit of superthrive and honey ES but i let them soak the water fer a good 24 hours.


Active Member
Update - Rockwool Soaking:

I have the water's PH that they're soaking in set at exactly "5.80" (prime for growing marijuana) The package says to let them soak for 30 minutes, but I'm going to soak them for about 6-8 hours.

I'm going to let my rockwool soak for the night, and here's an updated picture for the fun of it.

I'll touch base sometime tomorrow when they're all in rockwool.

How should I go about watering the rockwool, how often, how much?



Well-Known Member
well, kinda both, clones i mist the clipping, but seeds i spray but only every other day or 3 as the r IN a lil humidity dome and dont use as much water.


Active Member
well, kinda both, clones i mist the clipping, but seeds i spray but only every other day or 3 as the r IN a lil humidity dome and dont use as much water.
How close do you have your lights to the beginning plants (Day #9) when they're in rockwool? I was thinking about 2 inches?


Well-Known Member
i use a T-12 floro tube thing, and i keep it about 4-5 inches away from the tops of the clipping and seedlings.


Well-Known Member
i told u u wnat the light as close as possible with out burning them so start at about 4 inches and see how warm they are then if theri ok move a lil lower its all testing know one can tell u the ecact height cuz only u can feel the warmth and take the temps and raise and lower it


Well-Known Member
Well actually with seedlings, or clones, while the cotyledones r still building or they are NOT rooted yet they dont NEED a bunch of light, they actualy perfer a dimmer light ive found. the T-12 i use MAYBE puts out 1000 lummens, and its a good 4 to maybe even 6 inches away at times.

later on wen they got roots or the got foliage they will want that bright light tho.


Well-Known Member
yes but the futher the light the more they will strech and from the looks of it they are already streching a bit to much u can use less light but get em close to avoud a lanky stem


Well-Known Member
LoL, u clone til rooted dood. but i havent had an issue with stretch at ALL in my pre-veg phase tho so im not too worried. ;-)


Active Member
and from the looks of it they are already streching a bit to much u can use less light but get em close to avoud a lanky stem
LoL, u clone til rooted dood. but i havent had an issue with stretch at ALL in my pre-veg phase tho so im not too worried. ;-)
Maybe I misunderstood.
But b/c of their stretching I don't want them to get too much light... does that have to do w/ my light's distance or amount of time they're on in a day?


Well-Known Member
for clones and seedlings fer the first couple weeks u will want the light on 24 hours a day. u dont want stretch, thats y MCpurple is saying to keep them close, but just not too close.


Active Member
for clones and seedlings fer the first couple weeks u will want the light on 24 hours a day. u dont want stretch, thats y MCpurple is saying to keep them close, but just not too close.
I'm running 24/0 Light cycle through veg... they won't get darkness until flowering.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
some people say thats good some people say thats not so good, personaly i run a 20/4 veg room ;) - edit - plants need 2 sleep 2 :)


Well-Known Member
i use 24 hours on the plants seem to grow at a faster rater and show sex earlier for me, not sayin its the best but i like it better.