first grow 2-3 months in, had ants


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okay so this is my first grow i started her about 2 -3 months ago i came home tonight to find out my rooms smell was a lil off, wired i know but i looked in my grow room and started to water the ladies and ants poured out the drain holes, so i read some fourms online not all here, and soaked it in water for a while out of the planter, i also just did her last trans plant if they come back is there a for sure way to rid of the ants with out killing my plants she is indoor but has been out side a few times, big mistake that was i guess. but can any one help me ? plant.jpg


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from the looks of it they have been eating at my roots and making leafs go yellow but i have clipped them before i took the pic she looks naked now


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ok so i got my self some raid ant baits my oll man told me to get them bcuz the ants that are black and red will kill the plant and as soon as i dropped one in the planter them lil fuckers went for it, DEATH TO ALL BUGS! :hump: