first grow 2nd day of flowering


Well-Known Member
looks great sofar,but get alot more cfls,so that way u will get even more bud.cus the amount u have the plant will max out at a certain height and u wont get much in the way of bud but if u get more than there will be more light for the developin buds,catch my drift?

looks great tho.


Well-Known Member
id get a 250 hps and maybe a few more plants.
but great job so far.
flos for vegg and hps for flowering.


Well-Known Member
alright i am thinkin about gettin a 250 w hps but im not sure i think that growing this far with cfls has done a good job i started with three seeds from bag seeds and two where male this was my first grow so i didn't want to get in over my head. I had some real problems in the beginning with ph and nutes but i got it all straightened out by week 3. I am using 14 23w cfls 100w equiv. Yes i do know that a 250w hps would cost less to run and would probably give off less heat. that is why i am thiking about getting one and for the simple fact that i have only one plant and i do want to make sure i get the biggest yield out of what i have. i think i got all the ?'s any more ask and ill tell here is the link to my grow journal come check it out and post all of your ?s here


Well-Known Member
Great bushy bush so far mate .. I really want to know how they`ll flower with these cfls .. keep us updated .. G.luck