First Grow : 3 - 5 plants closet grow...


Active Member
Just want to ask for advise. I have 5 plants so far I have three of them in closet under 2 x 105W CFL (one 2700K and onw 6400K). But I bought 2 more 45W bulbs 5500K. Question is if 2 x 105W and 2 x 45W (300W all together) is enough for 5 plants? thank you


Well-Known Member
for some small plants in maybe 2 gal pots you could get away with 5 but with that amount of lights id go with just 2 plants and addsome maybe 23w or so cfls to the mix


Active Member
Another question how much space 5 plants need?
depends, do you plan to lst? how big is the room they are in, in the first place? you say a closet but i have a realllly small closet in here then a giant one in the living room that someone could probably sleep in so what size your closet


Active Member
That's what I thought. Well I found this seeds in a bag. So for "free" I have no idea if they are feminized or not? But I guess at least this is good chance to learn a bit till I buy some. BTW any help with choosing a plant? I would like to buy something with small grow and fast flowering?

Also @lagarrettBLUNT how did you manage to keep plant so small in your first grow and already started flowering?


@Inkubator If you want something fast flowering I would go with an auto flowering plant and they stay pretty small (many kids out their I have had some success with low Ryder plants)


Active Member
Thank you for suggestion @BTang. Also I wan't to ask what is the optimal distance of the bulb from actual plant?


Well-Known Member
Depend on your heat on how close you can go anything past 10 inches is way too far even 10" is pushing it I try to do 3 -7 inches away


Active Member
this plant is about 6-7weeks old and I have no idea in which stage it is. Could you take a look and tell me what do you think? Should I start using Canna Boost + Canna PK13/14 already? Thank you

looks good man. perhaps just slightly overwatered for the moment judging by the curling leaves in the first picture but it'll be fine (could be something else as well i'm no expert).

if it's bagseed i would say there's not a big chance they are feminised =P.

the closer you get the lights the better as long as you can manage the temperature, place your hand in between the plant and the bulb just above the plant for a while and if it's not much above room temperature then it's fine.

the plant is big enough and if they are 6-7 weeks old i think you should go 12/12 right away or in just a week and get a few more 2700ks

i think canna pk 13/14 is nutes for hydrogrowing? and i also think it's the extra phosporus and kalium nutes that you are supposed to add halfway through flower? so probably don't use that at all, canna boost should be fine though, it is also for flowering though i think

just to check, you are reading the actual wattage and not the incandescent equiavalent right?


Active Member
Yes it is actual. Equivalent is much higher. Thank you. It is bag seed so if it's not female than at least I will have a good butter... :)


Well-Known Member
I just read recently if the non pointy end of the seed looks like a moon crater it would be female


Active Member
Thank you for information. But because of my plant is already about 40-50cm tall it's not really helpful.. but maybe in week or so I will see. :)
i think you should flower very soon, they increase a lot in size during flowering and they will probably show sex in less than a week. but i'm also on my first grow so i'm by no means an expert

I just wanted to ask? How it with seeds? If it's from bag it is 100% sure it's not female?
if it's a bagseed it's most likely just from a grow where the person growing has left the males in there to get seeds for the next grow himself, so it's just regular seeds that can become both female and male. feminised seeds means that the seeds are made to be 100% surely female


Well-Known Member
I was talking bout a seed if you grew only one plant from bag seed you messed up you shoul of grown at least 4 to get at least one female