First Grow : 3 - 5 plants closet grow...


Active Member
I have this two 2700K CFL 105W (actual wattage) bulbs and I'm not sure if it is enough for these two ladies, both at the beginning of the flowering stage?


Anyone any opinion? Thank you very much...


Active Member
This is my bag seed in after second week in flower:


And this is Hindu Kush in second day of flower. (At least I think, this is my first grow so I just guess it's in flower.):




Well-Known Member
Looks like it's on the warm side in your closet. During flower keeping temps below 70 will increase bud size


Active Member
Looks like it's on the warm side in your closet. During flower keeping temps below 70 will increase bud size
I don't have good ventilation system, I can't do that. Only think I can do is move those two 105W (2700K) higher and turn of those two 45W(5500K), but that would increase distance from the bulbs to plant to 30cm (about 12 inches). Would that work? To decrease the temperature to maybe 77. Would that be optimal environment for healthy grow?

Also one more question what do you think about the size of the pistils and whole flower? Is it optimal for 14th day in flowering stage?

One more thing I read on many sites that aluminum foil (kitchen one) is not good for walls that it only increase heat, is that true and should I take them down? Original color of the closet from inside is white will that be better than those aluminum walls I made?


Well-Known Member
The foil is NOT helping. White reflects better, so yeah take it out.

There are too many unknowns to say how your plant is doing. Part is sufficient spectrums and intensity

Hey, here's a cheap UFO 90-

If I didn't already own a UFO 90 dual band (paid Fn $360 2 years ago ARRRRRRG), I would get one of these for clones/seedlings, or in your case to replace the CFLs in your closet

Good for 2 x 2 x ? closet grow

They have lots of cool stuff on sale


Active Member
Should I now change light period to 8 hours light, 16h dark? I read that is the quickest way to finish flowering stage?


Active Member
Here are some picture updates for my bag seed, just received my seeds from seed bank, so soon AKR and NLB grows coming.



Active Member
This is from a bag seed and I'm not afraid about that one cause it's almost finished, only 4 days left and it's going down:


But this one have about 3-4weeks left and I don't know what to do with it.


If you know what is it, pls let me know...?


Well-Known Member
This is from a bag seed and I'm not afraid about that one cause it's almost finished, only 4 days left and it's going down:

View attachment 2207978View attachment 2207981View attachment 2207980

But this one have about 3-4weeks left and I don't know what to do with it.

View attachment 2207982

If you know what is it, pls let me know...?
Looks like the start of a Magnesium deficiency. Get some epsom salt, mix 1 tablspoon per gallon and feed the next watering. Some people use Cal / Mag but epsom is cheap, readily available, and does the job well. Plus, you don't want to give your plants extra Calcium if they don't need it.


Active Member
Looks like the start of a Magnesium deficiency. Get some epsom salt, mix 1 tablspoon per gallon and feed the next watering. Some people use Cal / Mag but epsom is cheap, readily available, and does the job well. Plus, you don't want to give your plants extra Calcium if they don't need it.
Ok I found this product which is apparently made for this problem. It is called Sequestered Iron Plant Tonic, it contains iron with manganese and magnesium, that should be it, right? That should help? Thank you for your help and opinion.


Well-Known Member
Ok I found this product which is apparently made for this problem. It is called Sequestered Iron Plant Tonic, it contains iron with manganese and magnesium, that should be it, right? That should help? Thank you for your help and opinion.
That sounds like it'll help you out and no problem :)


Active Member
This baby is going to the dark tomorrow after last day of light and saturday morning (2,5 days in dark) going down:


:) :)