FIRST GROW!! 3 weeks into flower.

Ford Racing

Well-Known Member
Some of the pistils on the very top have shriveled and died. Not all tops but 4 of them did. Is this a natural occurrence or a defect?

Ford Racing

Well-Known Member
Ok cool. I was a little worried. I've looked all over for nanners and male sacs but i see none anywhere.


Well-Known Member
From what I can see in the pics...looks really good. I don't see any damage or problem areas. Just keep doing what your doing. Just a little advice, if your thinking of growing again, I wouldn't use a clay pot. Use a grow bag made from fabric. No need to transplant it now, as it would really stress her out. Just something to keep in mind for next time.
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Ford Racing

Well-Known Member
It's not clay. It's a thermo pot. Made of foam. You are right though. Next grow I'm gonna use some 5 gallon burlap bags. Thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
If you dont mind me asking, how did you change the outside light to 12/12 outside? Or was that just the timing you had? Got one outdoors but it wont be 12/12 until probably october!!


Well-Known Member
Did you cover it up or anything? I dont know if theres anyplace TOTALLY dark unless i put it upstairs in the bathroom
thanks again!

Ford Racing

Well-Known Member
I have a bathroom with no windows. I turn the exhaust fan on and pull the shower curtain in front of plant which is in the tub/shower. Turn light out and hang a blanket over the door so no leaks can seep thru